Niall stole my heart!

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I think Niall stole my Heart ! And I stole his! I had become a daydreamer ...dreaming stuff about Niall and me! I thought I was in love ... Our hangouts would be fun ... But also thought that I had taken Niall away from the boys!!! I was guilty.

I used to say that to Niall many a times but he always consoled me that he had already asked the boys about spending time with me and they had no complaints regarding it!

He was so good with me ! He had also given me a nickname .. My name is 'Bhagyashri' !!!! Way too long and Indian Niall used to call me 'BLUE' ... And rest of the boys too said that it suited your personality ...!! I was over whelmed ...!

I thought Niall was in love with me too!  I thought he liked to spend time with me! I thought.... I always THOUGHT!

The TRUTH was Niall never proposed me or said me his hearts word for me... Directly or indirectly ! I always assumed the things .... I had also become a bit depressed thinking all this .... What if Niall didnt loves me?

  I was at Harry's place as he wanted to have some coffee with me. He saw me like this and asked me if something had happened ... I replied with a 'NO ' . He asked me for a walk in the park .... I agreed without hesitation .... And there already was present Niall !!!

He saw me and Harry walking together in the park discussing things .... Having fun .... Fun in the sense Harry was tickling me to make me laugh ! I think Niall saw that ! And after we returned he was sitting in his room thinking deeply.......  

I never knew what would come next.......


I found Blue way too cute! The first day we met I was almost fallen for her .... She's just like me! Fond of eating , playing guitar ,music , singing , everything !

I don't know what does she think about me... I don't know if I'm in love with her....

Nah Niall ..,! Don't imagine stupid things..!! She's just your friend ...!! But I think she doesn't like me ! She maybe liking Harry !! There were so good together in the park ! Just like couples.. I don't know where is this leading towards .,.... I'm soo confused!

Okay I think I should better leave it on destiny ... I know I'm very clumsy at the LOVE things...!

So Niall better stay away and let things happen on its own..!


I'm seeing a changed Niall now a days. I think something's going on between Niall and blue !

Anyways Blue is a cute girl and she matches with Niall much in her habits ! I think Niall would be happy with her!

Oh gosh I shouldn't get into this ! I think I should better find another blue for me ! ;)

She's just adorable .I too need a life partner just like her ! I wish it was her but I know I can't get her because I would be then take her away from Niall and I thin Niall needs her much more than me ..

This Is the time I have to show my true friendship ... I wish Niall and blue get together ! Oh imagining them together ! What a cute couple ! ^_^

I wish I had her .. But I won't lose hope I would ask her if she has any twin for me !!!! Hahahahaha I'm getting stupid nowadays ! I think I should better take rest than thinking about all this!

But I would ask Niall about Blue ! Surely ! Coz if he doesn't have a crush on her I would be the happiest person at that time ! Lol! But I think I should wait for the right time !!

Okay I need to sleep now otherwise the boys would doubt me for staying UP ALL NIGHT just to think about Blue !

Good night Hazza!


All the boys were together the previous enjoying themselves and blue was present there too! How exciting the small party would have been!!!!!

Blue was now mixed with boys too quickly ! Of course she was beauty with brains! Hahah the boys also complimented her with that !

Morning all the boys were still on their beds ..... Sleeping like anything ! Just then our punctual Liam woke up!

Yawned and looked around for the other boys . All were still in their beds except Zayn and Blue . He thought of going and finding out where these two were !

Liam was inquisitive about both because since yesterday's party he found something fishy going on with them!

He decided to search for them In the garden . And what Liam saw ! Beyond the imagination Liam saw Zayn hugging Blue tightly! So tightly that he had never hugged anyone !

What was this now...???! Another twist..?

Actually Blue was crying all alone in the garden and Zayn saw her and was comforting her a bit !

Liam didn't know all this he's was totally confused and was just staring at them from behind a tree !

The situation was very confusing as Liam had a pinch in his heart when he saw Zayn hugging Blue ! Obviously he might have fallen for Blue!

Blue was definitely the most beautiful girl the boys had ever met.

It was creating a big confusion about who likes whom and who wants to be whose ?

Liam after seeing the hugging couple quietly went inside his room and began worrying and was almost in tears !

(He's damn sensitive guys !)

Just then another Prince woke up ! It was our Harry ! He asked Liam what was the reason for his crying .

Liam opened up his heart and told the whole thing to Harry.

It was now a big storm in Harry's mind !

He was totally confused with the things .


"What is this going on ?"

"Why all the boys are in love with Blue ?"

I need to talk about it to Niall ! I think at this moment he can lose Blue forever!

'Bit I like her too ! What would I say to Niall when he's asks me about my feelings towards Blue!'

I think I should tell this all to someone whom I can trust blindly.

Yes! It's Louis!

I can talk to my Boobear freely and he also isn't into a feeling of getting into a relationship with Blue!

Yes! That's what I need to do!


What do you think who loves Blue truly and want to be with her for lifetime ?


Love you

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