oh well road trip time !!

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It was a couple miles later was when I got my senses straight. It came across my mind the coppers weren't even after me .
Well all this ninja talent wasted. Oh well the 'rents are gone why not take a road trip. I could see what you're thinking a 16 year old boy going out alone with only sixty bucks in his pocket that doesn't sound too good. Well as you can tell I wasn't thinking.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. So I looked in the back of the van and yep my clothes were still in the back. You see it was taken to the laundry mat and was never taken out of the car afterwards.
I'm really lazy if you can't tell. I decided to drive over to the next state over. It was about six o'clock am the street passed by as I drove the blur that whizzed by almost put me to sleep. Which was the last thing we need. Anyways I had thought some things which probably always happens at night for me .
Hmm I began to think what shall I name this road trip. As you see in the movies they always name the road trip so I just had to name it .
As I drove I noticed something there was an armpit hole in my shirt. Which I had found weird like how do you get a rip there ?
The night was silent as I drove. The sounds of animals nearby and other cars along the road.
The sounds led back to memories
It was around middle school and there was the sounds of tires everywhere as I tried to get the nerves to actually enter the school. You see I was in the school parking lot and I couldn't just go in. I was a "wimp" as some may say so I really couldn't put myself in a new place filled with people who will most likely hate me. It was then a boy who I learned later was oli sykes who was in the eighth grade at the time had stopped and tried to help me. I couldn't bring myself to talk to him no matter how hard I tried. He had then hugged me out of nowhere! It was an odd feeling, the feeling of another's boy arms around me. Oli sykes was my first crush.
The animal sounds had brought back memories too
This was way before middle school probally about third grade. Anyways me and my parents went to the zoo. It was about the best time ever. I had the best time at the petting zoo. There was this part when we saw the owls. Teenagers being teenagers were making out in front of me. The girls elbow had struck me across the head it hadn't hurt but she still fussed over me. My parents for some reason acted strange when they had pulled me away from the couple. It was later I had realized the other player in the tonsil hockey was also a girl.
At the time I had thought two girls ewww. Now days I realized nothing is really wrong with that. My parents don't realize this yet.
I have matured ohh candy ...maybe not a lot.
I stopped at seven-eleven I bought orange soda and pixie stixs. Which is the best !!
I drove the rest of the night as the daylight started to come up so I decided to stop for the night and drove to a clearing to sleep for the night. As I looked at the sky the stars still visible I could barely keep.my eyes open. This is how I, Tyler joseph, went on a road trip with an armpit hole and sixty bucks well now 57 bucks.
Authors note:
Josh will be in the next chapter and I am making him younger than tyler !!
So i hope you enjoyed the chapter and i hope you guys like the next one !!!

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