Chapter One

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Chapter One

One hit.
Two as in 2 years and 8 months together.
Three strikes and I'm still here.

I can't seem to leave him he's all I've got left. Since everybody I love is now pushed far away because of him! I didn't believe my friends or family when they said he's 'over possessive' with me, I just thought that he was being nice and possibly jealous about who I'm with or talking to.

Well I can believe them all now. He scares the living hell out of me. I can't leave him even if I try cause he'll find a way to get to me. Also there's another problem...

I'm pregnant!
With his baby!

He doesn't know and will never know. I've tried to keep it a secret from him and everyone I know, (more like his friends). I just hope to God that my child will never be like how I am and live this or be in this situation like me.

- - - -

"Sydney!" Yells Mack from the sofa. He's been in the living room for 4 hours watching the game, whilst I slave away to make dinner at his request.

"Yes honey!" I walk from doing the chicken, which I was cleaning before hand, making my way to Mack, "Is there anything you wanted?" I asked polity.

Mack looks at me as I try not to look at him, since he scares me and it's also disrespectful to him.

"Well honey I would like you to join me with a beer to watch the game." Mack pats the sofa next to him with a cold beer in his other hand.

I stutter, "B-but honey you told me to make dinner for you and it can't wait." I made that mistake seeing as his eyes slowly change colour, "Well only for a little while. Do you want a-another beer?" Then Mack smiles nodding his head going back to his game.

"Be back in 5." He commands. I nod scurrying to the kitchen to fetch a new beer and check upon food again.

"Sydney it's been 5 minutes!" Mack yells, I quickly grab his beer and a water for me, since I'm pregnant making Mack think it's white wine.

I walk back into the living room with the beer and water, sitting next to Mack, giving him the beer whilst putting my water on the table.

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