[2.5] mind games part II

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When Stiles opened his eyes again, he was more than utterly confused. He was full of rage, desperation, and most importantly, he had an insatiable hunger. The back of his throat burned for something unknown to him and his skin felt as if it was on fire. He tried to ignore all of these things, trying to focus on what had happened, but the ringing in his head kept him from doing so.

"Wakey, wakey."

Stiles' eyes flick up the sound of the voice, sounding just like Elena. His hands bawl into fists when he see's her standing there, a devilish look on her face. He tried to tell himself that it wasn't Elena; it couldn't be. Elena would never do something like this, whatever even was happening.

"What is going on?" Stiles says, shaking his head as he tried to step forwards. He's held back by his wrists before he looks down at them, seeing that they were bound in rope, tied to a column in the room. After Stiles notices this, he realizes that he's standing in the Argent's old warehouse; only knowing that because Scott had told him about a previous fight he and Chris had had here with Kate.

Katherine steps in front of one of the hanging plastic sheets, cocking her head to the side slightly. "I would tell you, but you wouldn't understand."

Stiles clenches his jaw, already tired of what this person wanted. "Fine, then explain to me what you did to me. Something doesn't feel right."

"I'll get to that later," Katherine snaps then, taking another step towards Stiles. The boy tugs on the rope bound to his hands, finding no release. Something was covering the ropes, but Stiles didn't know what.

Stiles grunts before resting his hands. "Then tell me who the hell you are."

"Katherine Pierce," she says, not missing a beat. "You probably don't know me, but I know you."

Stiles narrows his eyes. "And how would you know me?"

"You're the boy who brought chaos to Beacon Hills," Katherine says, making circles around the boy as he watched carefully. "You almost killed all of your friends, and most importantly, you like Elena Gilbert."

Stiles doesn't know what to think; he was furious that she brought up the nogitsune, that being a popular topic amongst the supernaturals it seemed, but why did she have to mention Elena? "Let me guess; the last time I had seen two people that looked alike was me and the nogitsune, so I'm willing to bet that you're him, aren't you?"

Stiles trembles at his accusation, afraid that the dark fox was back for more. However, that wasn't the case. "You actually think I'm the nogitsune? That I'm that dark? I feel honored."

Stiles narrows his eyes, not as afraid as he was a few moments ago. "Then why do you two look so much alike."

"We're doppelgängers," Katherine says, anger filling her heart. She hated Elena Gilbert; she'd do anything to see her dead. "There's more behind it, but that would take me all night to explain, and you don't have that long."

Stiles' heart pounds. "What do you mean I don't have that long?"

"I mean that you should be already feeling something by now," Katherine says, remembering the hunger all too well. "That burning feeling on your skin and throat, the heightened senses, the jitteriness-"

Stiles' eyes are wide, realizing what she had done to him. "I-I'm a wolf?"

Katherine's nose wrinkles up into a snarl. "A wolf? God, no, not those smelly things. Ever heard of vampires?"

Stiles felt like he had died in that moment. The sinking feeling from hearing what Katherine said had done him in. He felt like he couldn't get enough oxogen to his lungs to interpret what she really said. He felt a panic attack coming, but it was like he wasn't capable of having one. He kept breathing faster and faster, but it didn't feel like the other times he's had one.

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