Haruhi, despite how she looked like she lacked interest on many subjects, was currently hooked onto Ren's issue. She knew to not question it since Ren was basically an apocalypse when mad but there it was, lingering in her thoughts. That is, Ren's sudden gloominess. For an upbeat and loud personality like Ren, no one would expect this side of him just hidden within him.

Ren looked kind of moody though, I wonder what he meant by 'losing his reason to be happy'?

"Haruhi?" Ren suddenly called.

I'll ask Jun next time, since they kind of share the same memories.

"Yes?" She replied. Ren's eyes had a strange gleam in them, like that gleam the twins had when they were being mischievous.

"Now's our chance!" he whispered, "The Host Club's stopping by the public toilets for a while and while they're doing that, let's leave them!"

Before Haruhi could react, Ren was already dragging her away as he spoke.

"A-Are you sure you don't want to tell them first?" Ren rolled his eyes.

"Who are they, my parents? Pssh, we can always tell them later anyway. C'mon, let's go the arcade or something!"

In the end, Haruhi ended up going on Ren's every whim. Stopping by the arcade, electronics store and lots of different places the Host Club had missed out. On one occasion Haruhi had to pull Ren back from entering the pub, so Haruhi was sure she couldn't leave Ren alone by himself.

"So Ren," Haruhi initiated the conversation, "When did you start switching with Jun? What was your reaction?"

"Who are you, Kyoya?" Seeing Haruhi's expression, he shrugged, "... About three years ago I guess, I found myself beating up some jerks from a convenience store. It was kind of weird actually, to find yourself in some other body."

Ren stirred his drink slower as his eyes stared in a distance, "Everything just seemed alien to me."

A short silence fell in place between the two.

"Does it feel bad?"


"Living in someone else's body?" Haruhi asked.

"Not really, it just feels like watching a never ending movie that stars from the main character's point of view. Every single comment I made scared June at first, so she relied on medication to shut me out. Well, I guess that's a price to pay for renting a body."

Ren sipped the last of his drink and stood up.

"That's all for today, I don't really wanna elaborate further. See ya around Haruhi, I'm gonna go to Kuroko's house as Jun planned."

"Okay... see you later." Just like that, Ren left Haruhi in the drink shop. Haruhi could no longer taste her iced tea; it was just her and her thoughts now.

As expected, both Ren and Jun are completely different people...

The Host club had always been treating Ren like how they treated Jun, but not Haruhi. She believed it would be rude to assume one thing out of the other personality. Person, she corrected herself. Ren was a completely different person to her. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide as saucer.

What if... Ren isn't just a persona? What if Ren...

...is an actual human like us?


"Hey Jun welcome back!"

Maika greeted her sister happily as Ren entered the house.

"Hey Onee-chan! What's for dinner?"

Maika froze as soon as she heard that voice. Sure, it was her sister's voice alright, but she could sense something, almost like her gut feeling reacting. Maika peeked into the living room where she saw 'Jun' lazing on the couch, turning on the tv as she did so. Cautiously she approached 'Jun', her eyes narrowed by a small inch. Standing in front of Jun, she spoke.

"It's you again."

It only took a glance up for Ren to understand what was going on.

"So you can tell us apart..." He muttered thoughtfully.

"Why are you here again?" Maika made sure to keep her distance as she asked. By here again, she meant the incident of three years ago and Ren got that hint clearly.

"No clue, the moment I woke up I was already here."

"Don't think I don't know who you are. There's only one person that I know who finishes off his targets with an uppercut."

Ren smiled as he toyed with Maika's hair, causing her to flinch back slightly. Even when calm, Ren still looked quite dangerous and Maika trusted her instincts.

"You haven't changed at all Maika. Always the first one to know what's going on..." He drawled lazily.

"Why are you possessing my sister? This isn't like you I-"

"I'm not who you used to know anymore Maika." Ren stood up and looked her straight in the eye. His eyes were glowing blue again, the first warning and probably her last. Still, Maika bravely held on eye contact. She wasn't the type to back down.

"If you don't want me to beat you up, you better stop asking questions. It's curiosity that kills the cat after all." Ren gave his final warning.

So cold, those eyes. Maika couldn't believe her eyes. Sighing, she stepped back, allowing Ren to walk up to his- ...err... Jun's room. Once he had left out of sight, Maika collapsed onto her knees with tears in her eyes. Sniffling, she muttered repeatedly as she curled up into a ball.

"I'm so sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Sorry for that day. I really am sorry..."

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