Chapter 2

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8 years later

At first when they threw me into this cell I fought, I fought my guards, I fought Des-sep (Who I affectionately nicknamed demon) I fought with a spirit that I have lost over the years. Now I sit in this cold, dirty cell with a thread bare blanket, scratching lines into the rock walls that surrounds me. I count the days I have lived here and I count the days of my waited release for a crime I do not remember. In the corner of the cell is a small window that is barred over. Under the window is a bucket and across from the bucket is my wall of lines and my blanket. Thankfully it's warm here so the blanket is enough. My long strawberry blonde hair is dirty and matted and hasn't seen a wash in a little over a month. The water is too precious here so I only bathe my body on a regular basis. I pull it up into a long ponytail to keep it out of my face. I fear that I have become as pail white as Demon and his minions who guard me.

When I first came here they were silent when I asked  why I was here and where here was. Still they won't answer why but when they did start to talk to me. They told me I was in Vinhala, home of the Sixcescease (They were basically grim reapers and guards for Vinhala. And very proud.) There was also The Celeste (the rulers of Vinhala. Very powerful and dangerous) Mages (Magic welders) Witches (More magic welders but they more so preferred the dark kind) and Elves (they were the most common and most beautiful creatures. I know, wow such a power. But they were one of the best species with weapons) There was also The Shadowclan, a species they only mentioned in passing so I knew very little about them, sadly because they sounded interesting.

Des-sep's minions and I seemed to have a silent agreement now, they were almost fond of me, and they almost accept me. Years ago when Des-steep was visiting the prison and came to my cell to visit me, we had an almost normal discussion despite the fact I was tied to the chair I was sitting in. At the end of the visit he handed me a music player

"Here" He said "I found this on one of my trips, it's human and I just thought it might keep you busy"
He surprised me that day, how a demon like himself could actually have space in his horrible mind to think of me was astonishing.

After that I started singing, my guards don't seem to mind and almost seem to enjoy it some days. I guess that means I must not be completely terrible. I always sing now, I sing along to the player with the earbuds that came with it, I sing to folk songs that my grandmother taught me when I was little. My guards sometimes smile, or what I think is a smile, they quickly cover it up though with a grunt or a quick chirp and go back to their normal straight face.

I hear a noise banging on the door, bringing me from my thoughts.
"Little girl?" I hear Demon call from outside the cell door.
"Can I help you Demon? I was just about to put out some tea for the guards and I, care to join?" I can hear the guards trying to sniffle their laughs.
"Stop playing games little girl. You have been requested to appear at the depot."
My heart stops for a second and all my humour is gone.
"Excuse me?" I ask hoping that I heard him wrong. I had heard stories about the depot from my guards, they only said awful things about it. Species of all kind were sold in it, for the rich to buy and use them for whatever they wanted as they were seen as property and not anything else.
"I'm sorry little girl, you are now of age to be sold in the auction."
For the first time ever Des-sep shows emotion and I can feel it. I can feel his fear for me. I'm sure he's heard worse stories about some of the slaves then I ever will. I can only hope to end up with a good master, it's the only way I could get out of this place.

Slowly I get up, not knowing what to do or what to think. Before I can forget I slip the music player and earbuds into my pocket, keeping the one thing I own safe. I walk to the door and hear it unlock, Demon is waiting for me on the other side. He turns around and beckons me to follow him and I do so quickly and quietly. Continuing down the corridor we pass other cells and other prisoners. My eyes pass over the broken and beaten species feeling pity for them as I have know their place well. Further down the hall I can hear yelling.

"Let me go you sons of bitches! I'll never give you any information about them! You may as well let me go or kill me!" The yelling gets louder as we get closer.
"Men!" Des-sep yells as we pass "Can you keep this Shadowclaner at bay or do you need help!?"
I ignore Des-sep after he says Shadowclan. I turn my head towards the cell that mirrors mine and see a man with hands on the bars. The man's appearance takes me aback, he has long black hair and an almost grey completion. His ears are slightly pointed and he has three small hoops in one ear and five in the other. His clothing is all black and he wears a necklace with a red crystal. His eyes are the one thing that stands out most though, they are a angry blue, they remind me of the ocean on its worse days. He looks back at me, almost like he is studying me. Suddenly he reaches out a arm to me and grabs my hand not hard, but enough that it startles me.
"Run, run, please, they will kill you, I beg you to run and escape, please." He says to me looking deeply into my eyes, his eyes turning softer as he speaks.
I begin to say something but I am interrupted by Des-sep ruffly grabbing my shoulder and pulling me away from the man.

"Little girl, we will be late if you do not hurry up, now march." Des-step commands me as he pulls me along with him.
I turn one last time to face the Shadowclaner,
"Goodbye" I see him mouth before his guards block him from my view. As soon as I lose sight of him I feel sad, almost empty. All I can think about is his eyes and that is what clouds my vision as I walk once again behind Des-sep.

I see the main entrance before I hear it. Everyone is very quiet and there is only the quiet mumbling between the guards. As we approach them I see no other humans but I do see a few young mages, and at least five elves. You can tell who is which species by the color they wear. In the prison each species has a specific color so the guards can tell who is who. Mages wear blue, elves wear green and witches wear purple. I, being human of course, am wearing a gross boring brown.

This is the place Des-step leaves me, with the other guards to take me to the hell they have sentenced me to. I have no idea if I will ever see him again and that almost makes me sad, like I am loosening someone almost important to me. I wouldn't consider us friends but I would say we were very used to each other and each other's company.

"Goodbye, Lilith" He whispers quietly. This startles me, he has never used my real name before. He has always called me little girl every time he has seen me in the last eight years.
"Goodbye Des-sep" I whisper back to him. He smiles down at me
"Good luck, little girl I will never forget you" Those are the last words I hear as I'm ushered onto the train bound for my doom.


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