Chapter 1

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This is the first story I have written on here so please excuse the horrible grammar and etc. The chapters start out short but they should get longer as I get used to the way Watt Pad works. Thanks for reading!😊


Grandmother always told me, since I was young, that I was never to go into the woods that surrounded her house. She told me stories of ghosts, goblins, witches and demons that hunted the forest looking for their next meal. Sometimes in the late of night, when no stars were out and the moon was clouded over, I could hear the snapping of branches outside my window. I would burry myself deeper into my blankets, hoping for the sheets and stuffed animals to keep me safe from harm. What a silly nïeave child I was, hoping for things to keep me safe. If anything really wanted to hurt me they could easily open the window and climb in...
On a dark night, of my tenth year during late summer I heard knocking on my window. A knocking that had been nonexistent for many years. Tap, tap, tap scratch, like nails on a chalkboard. I look up to my window slowly and see two blood red eyes starring at me. The eyes never blink and never brake eye contact then they disappear. This happens every night for a fortnight, when one night on the fifteenth night, the knocking ceases.
On the twentieth night the knocking starts again but this time not by my bed but at the door across the room.

Slowly, the doorknob twists open, with a creak the door opens and cracks of light burst through it. My hands start to shake, as a pale white hand with long, spider like fingers reach through the frame of the door. The lights in the hallway flicker and shut off, we are covered in a blanket of darkness the only way I am able to see the figure is in the light of the moon. The figures face is covered with a hood but I know this is a figure that haunts my dreams. One of its hands come up and pulls back his cover. I'm too petrified to scream or run, I sit still in my bed, quiet. His face is pale as fresh fallen snow, has sunken cheeks and a flat nose, he resembles the grim reaper. His eyes are red as fresh blood, begging for more. He focuses on me and slowly approaches my bedside. Finally, I gain my self control and jump out of my bed and run toward the door.

I can hear a growl erupt from behind me, the demon is following me. I run toward the kitchen and reach for the knife block. I pull out a cleaver, using it to protect myself. I turn around and the demon is already there, watching me. I can feel his ice cold breath, hitting my face. He looks at me and hisses, I can hear words forming and I try to understand what he is saying.

"-finally found you, Ms. Lilith Desdemona. You will come with me" he sneers wickedly

"Never" I cry "I'll never come with you!" My young voice barely creaks

The demon creaks out what one might call a laugh
"I am Lord Des-sep, Captain of the guard of Vinhala. When I hunt my prey, I find it, no one has ever escaped my clutches and you little girl are no exemption"
My small head lifts to look him in the eyes with a new found confidence
"You will never take me while I'm still alive and kicking demon!"
After yelling this I trust the cleaver into his abdomen.
He's starts cackling
"Little girl" he says to me "I like your spirit, but it will take a lot more than that to kill me."
He grabs the front of my nightshirt and lifts me up so we are face to face, my feet dangle at least three feet from the ground.
"You will come with me now, little girl."
"Never! Let me go demon. I don't want to come with you. I don't want to come!" It starts out as a yell but ends as a plea
"Please" I beg, tears brimming at my eyes.
"Little girl, you are to accept the punishment of your birth." He says this with no emotion whatsoever
"I don't know what you're talking about. I've lived with my grandmother my entire life. I know anything about my parents or my birth. Please let me go."
"Say goodbye, little girl" he hits me across the face and everything goes black.

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