Ashton laughed 'No Bill.. actually I wanted to talk to you..' he paused '.. with our losses we need to reorganise the flights.  I want you to take over Green section.  You're there anyway, and you're my most experienced Flying Officer so the job is yours, and on that note I'm pushing through your promotion to Flight Lieutenant..' shaking his head in anticipation '.. don't argue.  I know it's not the way either of us would have wanted, but before this mess is over I think we're going to have to get used to it!'  He continued in a softer tone 'Besides, we're going to be getting four new bods, probably wet behind the ears, and I want to put one into each section, so that the two experienced pilots can pass on that experience to the new lads.  That way they might actually live to see their second combat.'

Probert nodded his agreement at the assessment.  What Ashton left unspoken was the realisation that if he or Winslow were out of action they'd need another Flight Lieutenant to fill the gap; he could see by the look in Probert's eyes that the unspoken was nevertheless understood.

'Congratulations Bill!'  The voice behind him catching him off-guard and he turned to see Winslow grinning.

'Oh I'm so glad you approve Tommy' he responded drily, but Winslow's response was drowned out by the approaching roar of twelve Rolls Royce Mark III Merlins powering a full squadron of Hurricanes circling before coming in to land.

Ashton grinned at Probert 'Right Bill, I'm pulling rank.. I'll take your kite with the rest of the squadron.  You're in charge of making sure the ground crews get all our kit to Pembrey without breaking anything!'

Probert opened his mouth to object, saw the massive grin on Winslow's face and shrugged 'Right you are Skipper!  Well it'll take me around 7 hours so we'd better get weaving!'  Ashton left with Winslow, the latter to round up the pilots whilst he went to greet the incoming squadron leader and brief him on the squadron operations.


Alfelt scowled as he sat in his office, although he knew he ought to be pleased with the rest he wasn't, he was itching to be up in the air; the scowl deepening as he realised his ire was at the fact he wanted to avenge Karl's death, accompanied by the thought that it was exactly that thinking that had got Karl killed.  Perversely the inaction was making him more tired than being in the thick of it, although he conceded to himself perhaps it was more that he had time on his hands and was able to notice how tired he was for once.  His chin dropped on his chest and with his cap down over his eyes he attempted to catch up on some of the many hours of sleep he had lost.

The sudden jangling of the telephone brought him out of his slumber 'Ja? Alfelt.. Oh.. it's you Rudi..'

The barking laugh from the end of the line made him jerk his head away 'Well there's no need to sound so disappointed Johann, especially not when I'm calling to do you a favour!'

Alfelt raised an eyebrow 'A favour?' he asked cautiously wondering what Keppel was up to.

'A 72 hour leave pass Johann!  It will take that long to get your replacements to you.  In that time you can fly home to Marta in just over an hour..' he paused '.. also you will be able to see Greta.  I know you and I know you'll want to speak to her face to face about Karl..'

Alfelt blinked, still recovering from the news that he would be going home for a couple of days leave, something a day or so earlier he hadn't even dreamt of.  Recovering his wits he replied 'Ja.. ja.. dankeschoen Rudi.. I would like to see Marta.. and as you say.. speak to Greta while I am there..'

Keppel chuckled 'Just don't enjoy yourself too much!  I want you back in three days rested, not exhausted!'  With a chuckle the call was cut off.

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