The Story

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The cemetery is silent except for the sound of leaves crunching under my feet. My red and black flannel isn't keeping me warm, it's too thin. A sharp breeze whips my hair around my face, forcing leaves off their branches and onto the ground, just to be crushed under my feet.

The circle of life is depressing.

With the grave I've been looking for only feet away, I stop. The gray stone stands in the grass just like it always does, unchanged except for the fact that the grass is taller. I don't even need to see the front of it, I can picture it perfectly in my mind. 

Why do I want to see this? There is no point in coming; I just have an attraction to it. I get this weird feeling every time I see it, I knew that person better than anyone else.

I was the only person who knew about her pain. I was the one her covered her bruises with my own jacket, I was the one who braved through the pain with her, more than anyone else could've. I've kept her secret with me.

It's my fault that the grave is here in the first place.

I lift my foot to take another step, then falter. Every time I come here, this happens. I'll be fine. Nothing ever happens. Nothing but memories.

Memories of the day she died.


Looking through the eyes of my young self, I see my father slam a glass bottle against the fridge, glass shattering and falling to his bare feet. Back then, it was normal. This wasn't the worse he's ever gotten.

The worse was when he killed my little brother. 

He looks down to me, and I stroke the hair of my doll for comfort. Fear floods inside of my tiny heart as he picks me up, digging his short, jagged nails into my skin. His blue eyes seemed to be glowing red, like they were on fire.

"It's because of you, isn't it?" His face is red, his scraggly beard holding little glass fragments. "It's all your fault!" 

I scream for mom, but there's no answer. She never answers. She's always gone. But I call for her anyway.

He lifts me up higher, his eyes widening. "She wouldn't be gone if it wasn't for you!"

He throws me, and my body slams against the door, and I drop to the floor. It all happened so fast, I couldn't feel pain. Darkness is all I could see when I fell headfirst onto the floor.


That was years ago. Now, I am looking at my own grave. The angel girl with an upturned face guards the stone with the name carved into it. My name. They carved it with pretty, scrolling letters. I always thought cursive was so pretty.

Someone appears in front of me, completely white clothes and golden hair. Her lips are a natural dark pink, and they move fluidly as she talks. I know what this means.

I am glad it is time.

"It is time to go." She states gently. She takes my hand, and begins to fade, and I fade away with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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