c h a p t e r o n e

Start from the beginning

"Daddy!" She shouted, a smile on her face going from ear to ear. He held his arms out and she jumped to him. "Daddy said I can't have a penguin unless we live in the cold."

"Well, penguins can't live in the heat baby. They'll get sick."

"So can we move to where it's cold? Me, you and daddy?" My half smile fell, so did his and we exchanged looks. I wanted to cry.

"Not right now," he told her. "but hey, I'm taking you to the zoo today. Uncle Spencer and Uncle Jon are gonna be there. Sound good?" Teagan's face lit up and she was smiling again.

And I'll go back home, lay in the bed we used to share and cry until I've run out of tears.

"I'm gonna get going then," I said, opening the car door. "I'll call you before you go to bed, okay?" Teagan smiled and nodded her head.

"I love you daddy." I smiled.

"I love you too baby," she blew me a kiss and I blew one back. "bye Bren."

He waved and turned around to walk into his house. I hope his boyfriend isn't in there.


I didn't want to go to this party, but Brendon insisted that we go. I just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"Teagan's at your parents house," I said, making a big deal out of not wanting to go. "we hardly get any alone time anymore, why can't we just stay home and spend time with each other. You just got back from tour. I haven't seen you in two months."

"Babe, it's just for a few hours okay? I promise when we get back, I'll give you all of my attention." I sighed and just agreed to go. Whatever.

Brendon wore black skinny jeans with a red v-neck and red converse.

"Well you look cute, so that's a plus." I grinned at him. "But you would look so much better if your clothes were on the floor." Brendon smiled at me, a happy gleam in his eyes and he stood in front of me, pressing his lips to mine. "I love you." I sighed against his lips.

"I love you too." He gave me a quick hug and let go to grab his phone and keys. "Are you ready? We need to get going." 

"Coming." And we left the house.


"Ryan! Long time no see!" Pete greeted me, pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, good to see you." 

This party was like a welcome home party for the guys. They'd been out touring for months now and the last time I saw Brendon was two months ago, backstage at the concert he did in LA. 

"How you been?" He asked, hand on my shoulder.

"Great actually," I smiled. "Teagan's been keeping me on my feet. Who knew a one year old could run so fast."

"Yeah, kids are a handful." Someone came and tapped Pete's shoulder, making him turn around then look back at me. "But hey, I've got a few things to do. Talk later?" I nodded and Pete left with whoever that guy was.

I looked around for Brendon. He was standing next to Spencer and Dallon and they were talking to a man and a woman. Dallon was standing a little too close to Brendon for my liking, but I brushed it off. I trust Brendon.

"Hey," I turned around and was met with a tall man, blond hair and green eyes and a friendly smile. "you're Ryan right? Ryan Ross? You used to be in Panic!?"

It Must Be Mine | Rydon [Hate to Love you | SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now