In The Dead Of The Night

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"We need you here." Nico told me. Almost begging.

"I would..." I was honest. "I really would, Nico. And it's not because of college. I don't trust myself right now to go back. I know what happens if I dare step into that place right now in my state. I barely spoke this last week because of that. If I go in, its a suicide mission."

"So is everything else you've done." The son of Hades points out.

"Not like that." I try explaining. "I mean suicide, Nico. If I go in and even try fighting again, I will kill myself. The nightmares are getting worse every night. Flashbacks during the day. And as it is, Chiron wouldn't allow any of us in there even if the whole world is at stakes. We'd meet out of camp. The only one allowed is in RED and that's because she's the Oracle."

"How would you know?" Nico of course questioned as I got into my mom's apartment. Not knowing if anyone was even home.

"Nico, I was head of that place for 6 years." I tell him. "That rule was one of the many drilled into my head just like the rest of them. But I have to go. Talk to you later."

I hang up.

"I'm home!" I announced, if anyone was home.

And my mother was home.

Of course she's almost overly concerned if I'm okay. After what happened at the school.

"I'm fine, Mom." I assured my mother, noticing somebody walk into the living. But it wasn't Paul. Too short to be Paul. Paul is taller than me. He's 6'3". This guy was about 5'6". Big difference there. About... 9 or so inches.


Percy was home. For whatever reason. I'm not complaining. At least we get this out of the way sooner, because I know he will be mad.

He used to be shorter than me.

He has to be like 6 feet tall now.

He was intimidating.

Like if he looked like that 6 or so years ago I'd be afraid of him hitting me. And I'm a retired Navy officer.

What the hell?

One of my old friends. Not a really a friend anymore. But he showed up. Sober. And pissed.

I don't know why. But he was pissed at me and he jumped me. We were having a peaceful meal together. And of course he has me in a position where I can't do shit. I'm stuck.

Sally was smart and stayed out of it.

Percy... Oh Percy.

He got up and ripped this guy off me, bitch slapped him, kneed him in the gut, and shoved him down on the couch.

I can't even do that.

"Boy, you don't know what you're doing, do ya?" Jordan asked Percy, and I knew that Jordan could just get up and run straight into Percy.

And he tried.

But Percy has changed. He's gotten confident and he's gotten strong.

He grabbed Jordan as Jordan tried to pin him. Or he did pin him to the wall, but Jordan didn't hold onto him.

Percy grabbed a butter knife.

"I know exactly what the fuck I'm doing." Percy corrected him. "You can be smart and leave. Or you can stay. I'm not anywhere near afraid to kill you, whoever the hell you are. But if you leave and show up here again, I will make sure your death looks like an accident."

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