Getting Ready With The Descendent From Evil!

Start from the beginning

"Yah! But its okay, you make up for it with your big boobs!" I instantly covered my chest. Dylan looked down at me to see me blushing and smirked. Nate rolled his eyes at Dylan's actions.

"Plus!!!! Andy has girly clothes! She just doesn't wear them because shes still self-conscious about being fa-"

"Okay. Time to go!" I squeaked. I grabbed Blare by the hand and started walking to our car. She was gonna say about being fat! Well sure it was the truth, but a little too much of it for certain!

"Oops! I was telling too much again wasn't I?" Blare said once we went outside.

"Uhh, yah!!" I said. We walked over to our car and hopped in. We got home and instantly went into the kitchen for food!

I ended up finding another dress for Blare. It was a half shirt half skirt. The top half was a light blue color with green, white, and orange flowers decorating it. It also had a black collar and buttoned down to right beneath her chest. The bottom half was black and came down 3/4 of the way to her knee. She was wearing five bracelets layered on top of one another. They were the same color as her flowers. Her hair was done in waves and down. She wore black strapped heels and a ring on her right ring finger.

"How do I look!?" Blare asked.

"If you weren't my sister, and I were a lesbian, I'd fuck ya." I said with a wink.

"Ewiee!" Blare said playfully slapping my arm. If people didn't know we were sisters, they honestly might have thought we were lesbians. We were that close. "Now for you!"

"Nahh. Imma just wear this." Blare slapped me on the arm really hard.

"Oww!! What was that for!?"

"Dylan just said you wouldn't fit in! You have to show him he's wrong! I'm gonna pick out the outfit for you okay!?"

"Whatever. I don't really care what I look like. Just don't make me too girly you know. Imma look like a try hard if I do."

"Yayy!!" We walked into my room this time and she got started on my clothes.

"No!" Blare said throwing it at my face. A cardigan, how me.

"Uhh. Yah-noo!" She threw a shirt at me.

"What the hell is this!?" She asked holding up a red plaid shirt. "Never mind, just no!" She kept rummaging through my clothes, until finally she squealed.

"Okay you have to wear this!" She said throwin something at me. I held it up and saw a strapless black dress with white dots on it. I rolled my eyes but stripped to put it on anyways. Just as I was about to slide it on Blare squealed again.

"What!?" I asked.

"You are NOT wearing those underwear!" Blare said.

"What's wrong with my underwear?" I asked.

"They have frogs on them and it says 'Whats hoppin'! What's right with them is a shorter answer!"

"It's gonna be fine, I'm not going out to show people my underwear!"

"Hey! You never know! You could be drunk!"

"Trust me, I'm not drinking, some one has to be the sober cab, right!?"

"Whatever just change you underwear and bra please!" I rolled my eyes.

"Bitch." I muttered, while walking to change my underwear and bra.

"Whoa! Some ones on their period!" She said jokingly. I glared at her.

"Oh my god! Eww! You actually are! Yah, go change the tampon hun!"

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