Chapter 5

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- Chapter 5 -

Laura turns on the light to her room and lays down on her bed.

All she was thinking about was her kiss with Ross. It gave her chills. It was that good.

Even though, they broke up, Laura didn't think she'll ever get tired of kissing Ross.

She still felt his lips on her's. Everything in Laura longed for more and just wanted to be with Ross again.

But, Laura wasn't going to give in that easy. Lately, Ross hasn't been like the Ross that she knew. They fought a lot now. They started to disagree on everything.

The truth is that she didn't really want to get back with Ross. What if they did? They are still gonna argue.

I mean, being single is great, right?

Umm... Can't answer that.

Well, Laura could start doing her own things, be alone more, and she won't worry about being with other guys.

Only problem: Laura has been doing her own things, being alone sucks, and this whole situation won't let Laura find other guys.

This is helpless. Was Ross and her even friends?

Suddenly, Laura's light turns off and the whole house is dark. Laura waits for a few seconds to see if the power would come back on.

It didn't.

"Vanessa!" Laura calls as she gets up and gets her flashlight.

"Laura! The power is out!" Vanessa shouts from downstairs. She makes her way to Laura's room and stands in the doorway.

Laura squints at Vanessa because her flashlight was bright. "What are we going to do?" She asks.

"I texted Riker and he invited us to his house. We can stay there until the power comes back on."

Laura groans. "Seriously!? Can't i just go to Raini's?"

"I texted Raini and her parents said no one could come over because Raini needs to spend time with her grandpa." Vanessa says.

"God, can't i just sleep here? I'm trying to move on! I don't want to be with Ross anymore." Laura says.

Vanessa gives her A look. "That kiss didn't look like it."

Laura narrows her eyes at her.

"Pack some clothes. It's going to be two weeks. I called BGE and they told me that the power line needs some major fixing." Vanessa says.

Laura crosses her arms in front of her chest. "I find it odd that you texted Riker, texted Raini and called BGE in a matter of seconds."

Vanessa looks around, nervously. "You find it odd, i find it... talented." Then, she leaves the room.

Laura follows after her and stops at the doorway. "I know you have a crush on Riker!"

"Do not!" Vanessa yells from her room.

Laura and Vanessa packs up their clothes and head to Vanessa's car.

They get into the car and buckle in. "We aren't going to get back together." Laura says, out of the blue.

"What?" Vanessa asks her.

"Me and Ross. Not happening, again." Laura repeats.

Vanessa buckles in and starts the car. "Yeah, right. You guys belong together."

Not Just A Heart: A Raura FanficWhere stories live. Discover now