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Hello everyone! Thanks for all of your lovely votes and comments! Coincidence (that's the title of this book in case you forgot 6_6) has finally passed 1K reads due to all of your lovely support.

I really appreciate it.^^ You guys are amazing and absolutely the best! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.


KID's Point of View-

I nervously paced around the living room of the Kudo mansion as I waited for Shinichi's call. The detective was currently getting 'prepared' to treat my wound- which was basically just replacing my bandages.

"How long can it possibly take to find a new bandage?" I grumbled, irritated. "It's already been thirty minutes! Is he developing a new disinfectant or what? What a slowpoke." I continued to complain, but stopped when I heard hurried footsteps.

I stared at the stairs, expecting Shinichi to start nagging as soon as he saw me. And he did.

"...Making disinfectant? A slowpoke? Well, sorry for being lazy! I had no idea your wounds were hurting so bad! And what do you mean by thirty minutes, it's only been 5! Why blame it on me? It's your fault that you can't read a clock."

"But thirty minutes passed on the clock over there." I pointed towards the posh grandfather clock in the corner.

"That one's just unusually fast. And why check the one in the corner? There was one right behind you."

"Oh. Sorry, had no idea."

Shinichi sighed in exasperation, as he slowly massaged his temples.

"Anyway, do you want the bandages replaced or not?"

"Of course I do."

"Then just zip your lips and follow me."

So I did.

This time Shinichi took me to a room way bigger and cleaner than mine, and it had all the Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie books lined up in a lavish cherry wood bookshelf which took up a quarter of the room.

I smirked at how obvious it was to realize that this was his. I bet a diamond that this is his room! There is no way that this isn't his.

I amusedly studied the room, when Shinichi suddenly spoke as he spun around.

"...By the way, this is my Dad's study so don't touch or break anything. Okay?"

"Well obviously this is your-... Wait. What?"

"I said, this is my Dad's room so don't touch anything. Are you unable to hear anymore?"

"...I thought this was your room."

"Mine is much smaller."

"...How come you brought me to your Dad's? Wouldn't he mind?"

Shinichi paused, and I swear that I saw a hint of sadness and isolation reflected in his eyes.

"No, he wouldn't mind. He's not in Japan anymore. He probably doesn't even care."

"Oh, right. Sorry."

It was as if time had just stopped, and I was the only one who was aware of it.

God, you stupid thief. You just made his mood worse! What are you gonna do? He probably hates you for mentioning such a touchy subject! I mentally yelled at myself, as I bit my cheeks.

Luckily, it was Shinichi who first decided to break the awkward silence. "...Never mind. Just forget what I said. Anyways, take off your shirt."


"Take off your shirt. I can't replace the bandages unless you take your shirt off."

"You know what, I think I can do it by myself from here on."

"Sure, whatever. All the necessary equipment are on the table over there." He calmly spoke, after leaving the room.

I sighed in relief, glad that he left without saying anything to make me thank him.

"That was awkward. Really awkward. Anyways, let me change my bandages..."

...I had to call Shinichi to come back in after a few minutes because my arms were too short to reach my back.


Hi again everyone!

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Have a lovely day/night and,

"See you next illusion!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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