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Yay! Kid's POV has finally appeared! I don't think I have mentioned this before, so I will do it now.

Kid now calls Shinichi 'Kudo-kun' in public, but regards him as Shinichi when thinking to himself.

However, Shinichi still calls Kaito 'KID' because he is not yet aware of his true identity.

I also edited the first few chapters and changed minor details so I recommend reading it once more so you
guys don't get confused later on. But if you can't be bothered, its fine:)

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter as well!

KID's Point of View-

When I finally managed to calm myself down, I silently trod towards the dining hall desperately hoping that Shinichi had finished his breakfast.

Much to my dismay, Shinichi was still lingering around the table playing with his food, and it seemed as if he was enjoying my uncomfortability.

When he finally looked up at me, which was after a few minutes, there was a provoking smug smile smeared on his face.

I quietly observed as he stood up from his chair to carry the plate towards the sink. His posture was more leisurely than normal, and his attitude had a whiff of egotism.

He's probably proud that he managed to make me uncomfortable, I thought to myself.

It won't last long, Shinichi. I will definitely win the game. But then again, I only had a week. How could I actually make him enjoy my company in such a short time?

I sighed loudly, mainly because I had no idea what I was doing and partially to gain Shinichi's attention.

Much to my surprise he didn't look back, but continued to slowly scrub the dishes. It was as if he was reading all of my thoughts; preparing comebacks and acting beyond my expectations.

"...Hello? Kudo-kun? Kudo-kun? Hello? Are you there? Kudo-kun-"

"What!" the stubborn detective finally looked back, his tired, yet piercing azure eyes staring straight into my own.

"Finally" I muttered, satisfied with his amusing reaction.

"What do you want?" he grumbled, as he shoved the plate he was cleaning back into the sink.

"Aren't you supposed to help me get better?"

"I am."

"How, exactly?"

"By not informing the police about your whereabouts"

"...fair enough. But aren't you forgetting something?"

"Forgetting what?"

"Changing my bandages."

"Oh." For some very strange reason the detective guiltily stared at the floor, and I could sense the worry from his eyes that wouldn't meet mine.

I struggled to look downcast, since inside I was jubilating from placing Shinichi in the awkward position I was in a few minutes ago.

"Yes!" I thought. The tables have turned. What will you do now Kudo-kun?

To my surprise, Shinichi asked with fret imbedded in his tone. " ...I'm sorry... I forgot about your wound because you seemed fine. Since you mentioned it, I'll go prepare so I can replace the bandages. Come upstairs when I call you.

"Crap" I muttered, as I regrettably bit my dry lips. That wasn't part of my plan.

My original intention was to place Shinichi in a position where he felt bad about ignoring a hurt person, so I would have the upper hand.

My wound was healing unbelievably fast, and I already knew that I would be fully healed in a few days or so.

I had never considered the fact that the self-conceited Holmes-addict would actually relinquish his pride and apologize to a thief.

Damn it! How stupid can you be Kuroba Kaito! Now you've given him another reason to boss you around with! How are you ever going to win that stupid game!

That's when it hit me.

If I used this chance properly, I might be able to score another point in our game and gain something else.

Something I've wanted for a long time...


Sorry for the delayed update!

Anyways, hope you guys have an amazing day/night and

"See you next illusion!"

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