Chapter Ten: Fight or Flight

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"Well we can always find something else if you'd like." He says, turning back to his men. "Would you like some breakfast? We have eggs and bread before we start moving again."

Regina's eyes flick over to the fire, watching as a man held a pan over the open flame. Her stomach yearned for the rich flavor a of the food she was served back in her own castle, but knew she wouldn't be getting anything but this for a while. "Thank you." She mumbled, taking another glance over the group of men.

There he was, the one who had made her smile for all of the days she had been stuck at the tavern. Roland sat on a log with his stuffed monkey under one arm as he ate a plateful of what she assumed she would soon be eating.

"Would you like to sit?" Robin asked, leading her the same log. Regina stopped moving, turning to the man beside her.

"Could you maybe get my plate maybe and I can change into something more... Suitable?" Regina suggested, looking down at her lack of clothing.

Robin chuckled and nodded, bowing his head slightly. "Of course."  He allowed, watching as Regina retreated to her tent briefly to change before returning. Silently, she took her plate and lowered herself into an empty log.

"Papa?" Roland looked up at his father, holding his empty plate I his lap. Regina played with her eggs and bread, unsure on whether she really wanted to eat it or not. It didn't necessarily look promising. "Papa, I'm still hungry." Her eyes snapped up at the boys food, watching as all the men looked around for extra scraps before looking away in defeat. Everyone but Regina had already eaten.

"Oh..." Robin sighed, pulling his son into his lap. "My boy, we'll eat again in a bit, alright?" His lips brushed his sons forehead as Roland looked up at Regina.

Her heart lurched. "Roland?" She questioned, taking one last look at her food. The young boy, along with the rest of the men, looked up at Regina. She flashed a smile and spoke again. "Roland," she beckoned the small boy over, "you're hungry?" The small boy nodded, allowing himself to be scooped up so he balanced on Regina's left knee. "Well, you see, I don't always eat much. And it'd be a shame if this food on my plate went to waste. Do you... Do you think you could finish it for me?"

"Regina." Robin argued, shaking his head.

Both her and the young child looked up for a brief moment before she took her bread slice and ripped it in half. "Here." She whispered, kissing the young boys head. "You take this half and my eggs, hmm? How does that sound?"

Roland beamed up at her and nodded. "Thank you, Gina." He mumbled, already working on his eggs. His response made her laugh, pulling him closer so he was more comfortable on her lap.

"Regina thank you for-" Robin turned his head as one of his men came racing through the woods, wild eyed and out of breath. "Moor what is it?" Robin asks, setting a hand in his son's shoulder as he stood to greet his crazed friend.

"We can't pack up and leave today." Moor spoke, looking back over his shoulder.

Robin knitted his eyebrows and shook his head. "Moor, calm down. What do you mean we can't pack up and leave?"

Regina watched in awe as the man calmed himself down, wanting to know what was wrong. The longer it took for him to speak, the more worried she became. What if it was something involving Leo? What if they were looking for her? Wanting her to desperately come back and rule her rightful kingdom?

"The new Royal guard is going through the closest town. Ransacking everything." Moor explains, making the knot in Regina's stomach grow to the size of a cantaloupe. New Royal guard? Why were they being so disrespectful? But most importantly, what were they looking for?

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