chapter 4

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"hmmm.... stop Matt." Mia ragged voice pleaded but her body was asking for more, Matt chuckled and stop his fingertips on her upper thigh.

"You were not saying that few moments ago, may I remind you darling what you were saying." Matt huskly wispered in her ear, moving his fingertips more above. Mia caught his wrist, "just give me few more mintues Romeo." said Mia.

Matt knew after three round of continously lovemaking his Mia wants rest, but still he couldnt get enough of her, he may never. Pulling her lush body against his Matt wispered, "Take all the time dear, I have whole life." kissing her forehead. Mia snuggle closer to him.

After few breaths she decided to break the silence, sleep was far from coming.

"So how you know to come directly school?" she asked with knitting both her eyebrows and looking into his handsome face. She can never get tried of seeing his strong jaw, straight but crooked nose which she belived had been broken many times from his teenhood and his sensual grey eyes, which was like deep water only to sink her in.

"Well Chase was on phone with Jen, when she was watching news, so we got there directly." he sighed, holding her more closer not wanting to let her go ever, running his fingertips on her spin, he knew how to evoke her.

Matt closed the gab between there lips, kissing her sensually, pushing her on her back not able to control his beast inside him. This was the reason even knowing the risk and danger and fear regarding her, he is not able to leave her, not only his human self but his wolf is also smitten by Mia. 

Just like mates which his parents used to tell stories about. It was same kind of relation with Mia but he could not be sure after all there was no mates found for nearly two century and beside she was human.

Human, so soft, tender and sinlessness, writhing her lush body beneath him. Her hands on his back moving slowly up and down, her lips kissing every skin on his body which can be reached. Her coffee brown eyes were half close giving her drugged look, she was completely under his spell.

"Please.... Matt." she wispered biting on his shoulder curve.

A hiss escaped from his lips, she could be a devil when she wants to be, bringing her one leg upon his hip, he looked on her face. Her face flush with lovemaking, anticipation was clear on her expressions but her eyes close.

"Open your eyes Mia." opening her eyes she found his grey once, with so much intensity she could not think she could bear. Joining there body in a way Matt brought her to new hights.

"I love you." Mia wispered in his ears, her words were soon followed by his groan.

"love you more." Matt wispered lightly brushing her lips and moving off her body, pulling her close.

Soon Mia was slumber in dreamless state.

With a sigh Matt closed his eyes tiring for sleep to come but only his senses became more alive.

He could hear his lovers heartbeat steady, even he could here two more breathing in adjecent room, he was sure if he concentrate more he could even here there heartbeats too.

Pulling Mia more closer he nuzzle his head in her neck inhaling her sweet scent he fall in slumber. Few mintues later his ears twitched, a hollo sound reached his ears, his eyes actively looking towards his bedroom door, knowing sound was coming from adjecent room, twins room.

Gently but hurriedly Matt pull away from Mia's warm body covering it with a blanket, putting on his shorts he made his way towards his children room.

Sound got louder and more clearer, sombody was weeping, speedingly he reached towards twins bed and Daniel was weeping in his sleep, the sound was so low it would not be heard to sleeping Mia.

He knew excatly what was happening but it was too soon it should not haapen to his child so early.

His son was going in first state of change but he is only three years old, he should not be going so early. It was not supposed to happen till he was seven or even twelve or thirteen. He is just baby. He may not.....! nothing can happen my son. I wont let anything happen to him', Matt taught, lightly touching his forehead to check his tempreature 'thank God!' thaught in his mind. It was good thing that his body was on normal temperature but he knew his son was having distrubing dreams, frightening him making him cry in his sleep. He should wake him up.

"Danny, Danny my boy..... sweetheart you need to get up." Matt lightly shook Danny being careful not to wake his twin brother.

"Mommy.....momm, daddy....daddy." Daniel wailed clutching to his father realising it was not his mom to soothe him but he believed his daddy would fight big bad reddish wolf who was seeing him, following him in his dreams or was it real. Danny look around in room there was no one only his daddy and his brother.

Yes, he decided his daddy was strong and would beat bad wolf. 

"Daddy, I....I had nightman..." Daniel hiccupedly trailed off, tring to remember what was word his mommy used to say bad dreams.

"nightmare., baby." Matt wispered.

Daniel only nodded. "Can I sleep with mommy and you, daddy?" he asked with so frightful grey eyes, just like his.

"Yes my boy." Matt replied, than asked,"will you be a brave boy and stay here for a while? I will just make you bed in our room and wake your mom." He nodded again. Kissing him on forehead Matt left to his bedroom and leaving light in hallway on so Danny would not be so scared.

"Mia, Mia wake up." 

"What?" Mai sat up looking at Matt with full of sleep in her eyes.

"I am bringing boys in, here were it." He passed her night gown from the floor and hurriedly left. She didnt asked him anything, dressed her self soon in gown and tried to straight bed sheet which she and Matt had completely messed up.

Matt came into the bedroom carring Danny, seeing her child she knew something was wrong.

"Come here my baby." She held out her arms for him and Danny happily went to her mom complaining about a big bad wolf but she didnt understood and look at her partner for help,

"He had nightmare and I am bringing Cam now." with that said Matt left to take his second son. Cuddeling with her son, she wispered sweet words to him urging him to go to sleep, with his mother's arms around him Danny knew he was safe now and he was tried from all the day's happening quickly fall asleep before his father settle his brother. Matt settle Cameron next to his brother and he slipped beside him.

Asusal Mia got up early on her regular time but she decided she was not going to send her babies school today after what happened yesterday. Getting up from the bed she saw the amazing sight and her favorate, Matt and her kids, his arm was draped around both of them Cammy's body sleeping on his father's and Danny's was snuggled nest to Matt's. She quickly took her phone from bedside table and clicked there photo, then she left for shower.

Mia was making breakfast for all of them when she felt two warm arms on her waist and Matt kissing her neck. "Babies?" she asked, "are playing in drawing room." he replied and continue kissing her.

A loud wailed came into kitchen making Matt swear, something like they would never get alone time together, Mia giggled and by sound she could tell it was Cameron.

"I will see." Matt went to check on there children and saw there was wooden ship which he brought for them was broken and was in Daniel's hand.

He brought identical two one with capital 'C' on it and other 'D' on it. 

"Daddy, Danny broke my ship." Cameron complaied and went towards Matt, who took him in his arms and shocked that Daniel broke ship. It was small but it was made of wood and it was hard definitly three years of boy could not break it. He has to do something. He can't let this happen, Danny's temperature was normal but his strenght. He has to find some soultion soon.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mia came into room,"what you did Danny?" she asked taking Cameron from his father and turning to look at his other son.

"Mommy I broke his ship." Daniel said to shocked Mia.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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