Ch.1 Indie: Living

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Music. That one thing I could not live without, I mean seriously. I can't tell you how passionate I am when it comes to music. Not that I'm a music prodigy that plays shit tons of instruments. No. I'm just very very into music, maybe you all gonna be like  'well duh me too', but it's just.. Uhm.. you don't understand. Maybe I sound a little over exaggerated but yes, I'm that type of girl who can spend about 14 hours a day with listening to music. I listen to mostly everything. I even listen to music that you will eventually ask why would I listen to those kind of stuffs. I don't care what people say, I don't care what the society thinks, I only care about what I like. Selfish? Maybe.

I could seriously put my earphones on from the second I wake up, and plug my iPod into speakers when I'm in the shower, then put the earphones back on from the moment I get into my car and to the moment the school bell rings. And oh, even my brain plays music by itself during classes.

It's a public fact that I'm very introvert, I'd rather be alone and put my earphones on rather than talking to people and pretending to be nice, putting smiles and trying to make yourself look like you give a fuck to some stupid stories people say everyday. (well ironically you're now reading my rants and pretending that you care lol).

Not to brag but, I'm actually a quite smart girl, I'm in the natural science class with some good grades and little amount of friends. No I'm not being sarcastic. I'm proud of how good I am at making friends. Well now I'm being sarcastic.

Okay I have to stop this tell-all-story shit, and skip to the part where I met this boy on my class that goes by the name of Porter. Well it's a bit cliche when it comes to telling about how I get to know this boy, so I'm just gonna make it real quick&simple.

So Porter, he's actually in my math, biology and physics class, we meet so often so we just normally exchange smiles when we meet, never more. Maybe it's because he knows that I'm a very introvert girl so he'd never tried to talk to me (and or maybe bcs I'm just very unattractive). But everything changes when one day I went to this little coffee shop late at night just to have an excuse to get out of my house that is full of tense (mom&dad argues all the fucking time). I was in my sweat pants and with a hoodie over my head, I look extremely crappy at that time, but I didn't give a fuck, all I want it to get out of the house and not hearing them calling names at each other.

It was around 10 at night, and I was just going to order a latte when I realized that the voice that is asking me what do I want to order is actually pretty familiar. I looked up only to see Porter giving me a smile, a smile that he'll eventually give to bunch of other customers too. I smiled back and spat "Latte". He clicked on the machine in front him without any further thinking before asking me another question "Regular or-" "Regular" I cut off, and looked over the pastries rack, not that I want one, I was just trying to avoid taking gazes at him while i kept wondering if he recognizes me or not.

Well it's normal if he didn't, since I'm with my hoodie on & with the dim lighting of the coffee shop creates shadows over my face. I tap my feet while waiting him to get my order.

"Here you go", "Thanks" I said taking my order and giving him the money.

"Indiana?" He politely half shouted before I take steps away further.

"Damn you finally recognize me. You can call me Indie though" I fake sighed and giggled at the end. I saw him laughed and by that we decided to have a little talk that night, I explained to him why I went out of the house so late and he told me why and how can he works here.

What was strange is, I can actually open up to him easily. Maybe because he's actually very nice? I dont know.

And then we found out that we kind of have something in common, weirdly, he likes classic trance stuffs too, just like I do. He got me amazed since I thought I was the only one in school that listens to these kind of stuffs.

 Since then Porter & I become friends, good friends. He was actually the only person in school that constantly hangs out with me until I met this girl, Sheila. 


DUN DUN DUN 1st chapter is out and im so sorry for the cliche storyline and so sorry about the gramatical errors, english is not my first language (whoops gonna credit that to Porter) lol. Hope you enjoy reading it, please tell me what do you think because that will mean a lot. Thanks, i seriously love you if you're reading this xx -i

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