Chapter 26 No.. No.. Noo

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    I'm sitting here in the court yard thinking about Diego and how much I pray everyday he is okay. Thinking how I wish I was there with him right now, holding his hand and praying over him. I know these past few days have been hell, no hell is an understatement on how bad these past few days have been. I wish this all would end, I know that saying goes ," God gives you only what you can handle. " but right now I don't think I can handle this anymore. The worry, the tears at night, the emotional pain of it all is brutal. My heart hurts everyday just not knowing if he is alive or not. How can God trust me with so much? How?! I can't handle this anymore.

I had my beats 2 solo wireless headphones on listing to Cole Swindell. I love his music, it is awesome! It also helps me relax which is always good.. His new song You Should be Here came on. As I was listing to it tears rolled down my face. I know,I know I could have changed it but I wanted to listen to it. It was hard to listen because I wish Diego was here right now. He should be here with me going on dates, kissing me as if there was no tomorrow. Not lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life.

I was reading my chemistry book because I have to get ready for the first quiz on Monday. This professor James seems to be a hard headed man.

As I was reading a rose fell into my book. I looked up and there was Diego standing in his uniform with the biggest smile I have ever seen. My heart was pounding and I felt all the tears come out of my eyes faster and faster. I jumped right on top of him and hugged him as tight as I possibly could. I was not going to let him go, not this time.

"Oh my goodness you're okay. " I cried onto his shoulder.

"Somewhat." he sighed revealing his wounds. I ran my fingers down them and they felt rough but real.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

"What, I can't see my beautiful girlfriend?" He chuckled holding me close to him. Our foreheads touch, he leaned in and kissed me.

"Well, I was just wondering. " I giggled filled with excitement.

"There something I need to tell you." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"What?"I asked.

" I love you." He whispered again. Then I kept hearing footsteps coming toward me.

" I love you-," I started before I heard

"Alex Low!" Deep angry sounding voiced screamed.

"Diego I love you." I said and quickly woke up sitting in class realizing that it was all a dream. A dream, I'm dreaming during class.

"Ms. Alex!" Professor James screamed at me again.He stormed up to my desk,

"There is NO sleeping in my class is that understood?!" He yelled.

"Yes sir ." I acted as a frighten school girl.

"Sir her boyfriend is in a hospital right now in Afghanistan, so please cut her some slack." Pam defended me.

"I don't care if he is dead, I will not tolerate sleeping in my class!" He offended me. I got up from the desk,"My boyfriend is in the United States Army National Guard and was seriously wounded in action.You're not going to care if he is dead?!" I stood up.

"So that means you don't give a dam about any of our service men or women ?! You are a prick! If you can't stand behind them stand in front of them. I dare ya! " I snapped. I gathered my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I walked over to the administration office and I was able to change my chemistry classes. Not going to be in a class with a jack ass of a professor.

Thankfully I was able to leave early from school. I hopped into my truck and headed home still furious at him. As I pulled up I saw a dark SUV pulled up to the side of the apartment, I saw a priest and two soldiers in their dress greens sitting there looking at a piece of paper.

"Oh my God." I gasped covering my mouth with tears starting to stream down my face as a water fall.

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