Chapter 9: Big question number 1

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*Back at the hospital *

"Did I seriously scare you or, are you being sarcastic?" He asked, shocked by my answer. He did scare me to death I admit, I thought he was dead and I didn't want to lose a good friend.

"Yes you did scare me." I admitted. I'm not going to lie because I am not scared or embarrassed to admit my feelings.

"Wow! " He gasped, covering his mouth. I rolled my eyes at him, he is so silly.

"What is the big deal?" I asked, throwing my hand up in the air feeling confused.

"Ah nothing, I'm sorry I scared you. I have never had a bull ridding accident like that before, but accidents happens. " he explained.

"Oh it's ok, Don't be sorry." I giggled.

"Can I ask you something??" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled, looking at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, with a straight face.

"Now what?"


*Diego's P.O.V

Well, I think I just screwed everything up. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have asked Alex to be my girlfriend like that. Don't get me wrong she is an amazing woman, beautiful as a rose and sweet as chocolate, but I knew her answer. The look she gave me spoke for itself.

"I...I..." She stumbled, looking so confused.

"Don't say anything I'm sorry." I apologized. I shouldn't have put her on the spot like that.

"Diego... I'm sorry." she apologized, she looked as if she was going to cry. She quickly ran out of the hospital room.

"Alex wait!" I begged.


*Next day*

"Oh.My.Gosh ALEX!!!" Katie screamed. I told her what had happened last night, what Diego asked me.

"What did you tell him?" She asked in such a surprised tone of voice.I looked down at the floor feeling bad about how I reacted.

"No." I replied. She developed an angry look over her face. It is not a good thing when she is angry.

"Are you insane?" She snapped, her eyes grew big.

"SERIOUSLY?!?'" She added, throwing her hands in the air.

"What? I don't want to date him. " I argued. When I told him "no" he, looked like he was about to cry. He probably wants nothing more to do with me.

"You don't,or, won't?" She proceeded to continue the argument . When she is pissed everyone is pissed.

"I just don't want to.." I lied, trying to get her off my back. If I said "I can't " she would nail my butt to the wall.

"Alex Hun! You have to let yourself live happily ! Don't let another actions of a man destroy you." She pointed out.

"He is not my type. " I lied again.

"BULL COOKIES!" Katie screamed so loud the apartment shook.

"Bull cookies seriously?" I sarcastically giggled.

"Shut up and listen, I know he is your type and so do you! Now why won't you be his girlfriend? Is he a dick? NO! Is he like Jed? NO! Is he a very sweet man? YES!! Is he a great guy? YES!" she exclaimed.

"I don't care I won't date." I agreed, realizing what I just said.

"I can't believe that.." She stormed out of my room, with fire coming out of her ears. I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"My life sucks!" I whispered loudly. When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was caught off guard. So I didn't know how to respond. How was I suppose to? I made a promise to myself that I won't let another man hurt me ever again.


I can't stop crying. I just can't but oh well I'm used to it. I screwed up big time with Diego. Diego hasn't texted me in forever, which I can understand. I mean I just broke his heart right? Why would he want to have anything to do with me?

"Hi Diego..." I texted him. Maybe he might want to text me?

Today has just been horrible. I thought since I studied for my major exams day and night, that I would be fine passing it? Man was I stupid! They changed the test up on me at the last minute and I screwed it up!This was for biology , so I needed to pass this to get my internship this year. Now I have to wait possibly for another FREAKING YEAR to take it again.

"Hi Alex, How are you?" He texted back.

"Hi! I'm doing horrible, how are you?" I replied excited to hear from him.

"What's wrong? I'm... Ok it's been a long week." He texted.

"It's nothing, sorry you had a long week. " I texted back, getting up from the bench outside and walking to my truck. He never responded back.

I got home and saw the famous blue truck outside. I'm guessing Trevor was here. Him and Katie have hit it off pretty well! I open the door slowly into the apartment

"Hi Trevor!" I greeted him. He didn't look happy to see me.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked, sitting down watching tv.

"It's been a long day. How are you?" I asked, yawning.

"Same here. It been a long week." he yawned.

"Where is Katie?" I asked concern not seeing her.

"She has the stomach flu. " He noted, as I heard her puking in the bathroom.

"Aw goodness" I yawned, running to the bathroom to help her. I was wondering though why he wasn't in there holding her hair up.

"Hey, easy, easy.." I went in there helping her off the floor.

"This sucks." She cried. Katie had stomach cancer a long time ago and now she can get the stomach flu really bad.

"I know.." I sighed, helping her to her room. When we were walking, she lost her balance and Trevor came running. He picked her up in his big arms and carried her in.

"I love you." he softly spoke to her, kissing her forehead. He laid her down as softly as he could.

"I can't stay because we have a lot of training going on so, please take care of her and let me know how she is doing tomorrow. " He asked me. He is such a big sweetheart.

"Ok I will, She'll be ok." I smiled assuring him.

"I wish I could stay and take care of her myself. " he sighed walking out of her room.

"She needs plenty of rest and fluids. She'll be ok I promise." I promise him. She is going to be fine, this is not the first time she has had the stomach flu with me.

"How is Diego?" I asked cautiously.

"He is ok. He has been busy with medical training and everything. " He said. That may explain why he has refused to talk to me. He is busy.

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