☆19: The Loyal One☆

Start from the beginning

"Surprise me. Just not Coke please." I smiled. He asked for my hand. At first I got a bit red, I didn't know why he wanted it. But then he scanned my bracelet.

"You pay for everything when you leave." He explained. He looked at the clock. "Hey, I should be getting a break soon, how about we ride something during my break?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah! That'll give us time to eat." He hands me the float. "Thank you." I walked over to where Naomi and Miura were sitting. They waved at me. I smiled. "Daijin said once he get's off for break then we can all go on the rides. That way we can all hang out together." I told them. Miura-kun didn't seem so happy with that but Naomi was. She and Daijin have gotten closer. I wonder if she likes him. Wait, but doesn't she like Miura-kun? Ugh all this crush stuff was completely confusing me. Eh, I like Mikado and that's all I need to worry about. I giggle to myself. The thought of him made me blush. He hasn't showed up lately though. I was getting a bit worried about him.

"Hey, Sora?" Naomi cleared her throat. I snapped out of it and turned to look at her.

"Yes Naomi?" I gave her eye contact.

"What happened to Kero? I mean, he hardly comes with us to card captures now. I remember before he would follow us daily. Now he doesn't show up as much." She asked. I started to realize that too.

"Well, he's always going out now. I don't know where he goes but he's hardly at home. And when he does come he's either tired or playing video games. He will ask me if anything strange has happened lately, but anything other than that he wouldn't talk to me. He seems to be concentrating a lot too lately. Or he would be talking to himself about things." I tried to think.

"Things? Like what?" Miura asks. I shook my head.

"I can't remember. He normally mumbles so it's hard to hear. He does check up on me though. It has something to do with Mikado though." I blushed when I mentioned his name. Miura's face turned to a scowl. He didn't like Mikado at all. I shrugged. "I'm not so sure though." I sipped the last of my ice creamy drink. I couldn't tell what soda he used but it wasn't Coke. The others were quiet after that. We were all trying to finsh up. Miura-kun seemed to be really thinking though. He didn't seem very happy. I think it's because I mentioned Mikado. I sighed softly. Daijin waved at us. He was on break now, and just in time because we all finished. Naomi was with Miura, the two were lost in a conversation. I left them alone to talk to Daijin I did have some questions for him. "Hey, how'd you get this job?" That was the first thing that came into mind. He shrugged.

"My mom helped me get it. It's temporary though. It makes good business in winter, since a lot of people like to swim and see the weather too." He pointed up and we saw that it was snowing. "It's very pretty to swim and see snow." He smiled. "And luckily our water is heated, so it doesn't freeze and you don't have to either." He took his shirt off so we could get into the water. Must have been nice to work at the waterpark. "I race you to the slides!" He challenges.

"You're on!" I shouted and we ran. A few guards told us to stop running, so we sped walked. Naomi and Miura followed us. A guard told Naomi that she can't record unless she was by dinning area. So she unfortunately had to stay back. I won the race though. Daijin and I waited for Miura to hurry. "Come on!" I called out for him while waving. He looked away and hurried a bit. When he was here we each took a tunnel. "Ready?" I smiled to each of them. Daijin went in first.

"Go!" He shouted from his tunnel. I laughed and Miura and I slid down our tunnels. I'm going to win. Even though Daijin cheated! I felt immense delight. It was fun to hang out with my friends, plus I appreciated the fact Daijin decided to join our little group. I then saw a light at the bottom. I'm close to the end! Sure enough I flew out of the slide and into the water. Miura came out a few seconds after me. Daijin was already waiting for us. I laughed. It was so much fun, we decided a rematch since Daijin cheated. We went back in for another round.

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