Chapter 2

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     “Andrew, what are you doing?”

     Andrew and I looked up to see our mom standing right next to us. Her hazel eyes were blazing with fury. “You know your sister is shy! Leave her alone.” Mom leaned over and smacked his hand that was grasping my ankle.

     Andrew drew his hand away quickly, rubbing it. “Ouch..” He murmured. Then he turned to me, his dark blue eyes angry all of a sudden. “Stop acting like a three-year-old Mariline.” Andrew snapped. “Your thirteen! So start acting like a teenager.”

     Mom slapped him as I chuckled a little. Wow, getting owned by an old woman? I thought as I stood up. “Thanks Mom.” I murmured as I walked past her and started to the kitchen were I’m sure that Allen went to. But right when I walked out of the room and turned left I ran into Allen. We fell to the floor.

     “What are you- Are you stalking us?” I raised an eyebrow.

     “No!” He scowled. Then he looked away, like he didn’t mean to yell. “I was making sure that you two… Er… Got along- Y-yes that’s it.” He stammered as he got back up.

     “Oh look, the love-birds.”

     I turned around to see Andrew looking at us as Allen reached out his hand to help me get back up. “Were not dating.” I replied.

     “We wouldn’t be able to anyway..” Allen trailed off. “Since I’m Andrew’s friend and all..” He turned away from us and ran.

     “Wait.” I reached out my hand in the direction that he went to. “What’s wrong with him?” I looked at my brother.

     “Tch tch tch.” Andrew laid one arm on my shoulder. “It’s obvious that he likes you.” Andrew raised and lowered his eyebrows twice.

     I shook my head. “Of course he doesn’t. You can’t date your best friends sister.” I shrugged his arm off of me.

     Andrew shrugged. “Okay… Whatever you say.”

     As the last day of school went by I yawned the entire time, the world was spinning all day. I woke up at two o’ clock… Wouldn’t you be tired to? I kept on wondering if that time machine actually worked… Would it just blow up when you turned it on? So many questions rang in my head that I couldn’t focus at all in school.

     When I got home my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I collapsed onto the couch and turned on the T.V. The Fairly Odd Parents came on, but I didn’t feel like changing it. Right when I was about to fall asleep someone opened the door. The door slammed into the wall. I jumped up to see Andrew grabbing the door and slamming it shut. He stretched. “Finally, my Sophomore year is over!” He screeched.

     “Yeah yeah..” I mumbled as I lay back down. “Keep it down, now your starting to act like a three-year-old.” I mocked.

     Andrew glared at me. “You’re just jealous that I’m sixteen, and that I’m moving out before you.” He closed his eyes and raised his head proudly.

     “Pshh.” I closed my eyes. “Why would I want to live alone and work and do a bunch of crap just to live in a one-story house?” Everything was so expensive now. Both my parents have jobs just so that we can have the two-story house I live in now.

     “You’ll understand that living alone isn’t as hard as you think… One day..” That’s the last thing I heard Andrew say before I fell into a deep sleep.

     Hard knocking had woken me up as I still lay on the couch. It’s probably Dad, I thought. He always get’s home at five or something… I heard the knocking again, harder this time. Then I heard the doorbell ring three times in a row. “Coming!” I yelled as I unlocked and opened the door to see Allen.

     “Hi Mariline.” He greeted happily as he walked inside.

     I closed the door and turned to him. “What do you want?” I croaked as I knew it wasn’t nice, but I was tired! He had woken me up from his annoying knocking. And besides, he’s the one who woke me up last night.

     “You okay?” He asked as he narrowed his eyes and leaned over so that our noses were almost touching. He seemed very… Awake. He didn’t seem tired at all! What the heck?

     “No!” I said as I pulled up my hand and pushed his face away from mine. “You woke me up last night and now I’m as tired as crap.” My voice cracked.

     “I’m sorry! I just-“

     He was interrupted by knocking at the door. Then all of a sudden my neighbor, that scientist that we saw the night before, opened the door swiftly. He looked at us for a minute or two, and then smiled. “Yes… Yes you two are perfect.” He muttered as he grabbed us both by the shirt and pulled us out of the house.

     Allen and I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but we couldn’t. We looked at each other with worried eyes. Allen’s green eyes showed fear and confusion. Where was he taking us?

     Excited now? I know that before it was boring but I’m telling you everything from the beginning remember? Before something exciting happens there's always that boring begginging, am I right? Yes I am, stop rolling your eyes and listen up to hear what happens next.

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