He took a leak and waited for Tyler to finish up, leaning wearily against the wall. He knew it was disgusting but he just felt so tired, he felt like he could fall asleep right there despite the horrible smell coming from one of the toilets. Or maybe it was all of them. His stomach had calmed a little being out of the car but the throbbing in his head wouldn't let up. 

Tyler finished and after washing his hands thoroughly they met the girls outside.

"Should we grab something to eat before we get back onto the road?" Amelia suggested, staring longingly at the batch of muffins on the counter-top. The twins shouted loudly in agreement and Arin shushed them both with a glare. Louis stayed silent. He knew he couldn't add anything else to his stomach, it had been hard enough holding in the two bits of toast he'd had for breakfast that morning.

"Lou?" Amelia looked at him expectantly.

He smiled past the lump in his throat, "yeah, sure." Amelia grinned back, hooking her arm through his.

They ordered their food and sat down at a table, Laney explaining the life of her Barbie dolls animatedly as they waited for their food. Amelia had insisted that Louis got something, apparently if he didn't eat now he would be starving later and then whining and complaining so he had decided on one of the big chocolate chip cookies they had on show on the counter with the muffins reluctantly.

A young girl of about Arin's age set the food down with a smile and hurried away, her pony tail flicking around. Louis stared at the cookie as everyone dug in, crumbs scattering the table top. He hesitantly took a bite. It felt heavy in his mouth as he swallowed, feeling it travel down into his churning gut.

Amelia turned to him when she was finished her muffin, a bit of icing on her lips. "Do you want me to drive for a bit, you still look pale," she asked, licking the crumbs away. Louis hesitated. He didn't want to drive, he just wanted to sleep but he also didn't want Amelia to drive.

"Just for a little bit Lia, then I'll take over again after an hour or so," Louis decided.

"Okay." Amelia smiled as she got to her feet. Everyone got up and they headed back to the car, skipping and laughing cheerfully. The whole family piled into the car, Louis in the passenger seat this time. Amelia backed out of the park and they drove back to the highway.

Louis leaned his pulsing head against the window as his eyes drooped closed. He curled his knees into his chest and wrapped his arms around his abdomen before falling into an uncomfortable sleep.

When he woke up twenty minutes later he felt even worse, his head thumped painfully and his stomach flipped every five seconds. He groaned leaned forward in his seat, resting his shaky elbows on his knees and his heavy head in his hands.

"Louis?" Amelia glanced away from the road for a second, her worried gaze landing on her husbands hunched over figure. "You alright?"

"Not really," he grunted, struggling to swallow down the vomit that was creeping up his throat.

"What wrong sweetie?" Amelia asked sweetly.

"Carsick," Louis muttered, a fist over his mouth. At this point he was sweating like crazy and he was deathly pale. He couldn't hide it any longer.

"Shit, really? Do I need to pull over?" Amelia began looking for somewhere to stop, they were on a highway, there was nowhere. Instead she pulled into the nearest exit at world record speed and pulled over on the grass.

"Why are we stopping Mummy?" Laney asked in confusion, poking her head between the seats.

"Daddy's not feeling too good, just give us a second," Amelia replied quickly, getting out of the car and hurrying around to the other side. Louis opened the door sluggishly and leaning outwards, his stomach in his throat.

Arin was asleep in the back seat so Amelia was in her own.

"Let's move you away from the car a bit Babe." Amelia gently levered Louis onto his feet and lead him a few paces away. He barely had time to stop before he was bent over retching, vomit flying from his mouth and nose like a waterfall. Amelia grimaced and rubbed his back. After five minutes of non-stop puking he was just dry heaving, his empty body trembling in exhaustion.

"I'm sorry Lia," Louis mumbled as he plopped onto the ground, unable to hold himself up any longer.

"It's fine honey, you can't help it. You should've told me earlier though, we could've made you more comfortable." Amelia frowned.

"Sorry." Louis wiped his mouth.

"Stop apologising." Amelia rolled her eyes playfully, "do you wanna go back to the car now? The faster we get there the faster you can feel better."
Following a short nod out of Louis, she aided him in getting up. His knees nearly gave out on him. This whole carsickness thing had really taken it's toll this time around. Not to mention, about a weeks worth of food was splattered on the grass.

Louis hummed and Amelia lead him back to the car, sitting him down in the passenger seat carefully. Arin was awake now and she sat forward curiously, " what's going o- Holy shit!" She caught a glimpse at her father's awfully pale face and limp form.

"Language," Louis croaked.

"Sorry Dad, but you look like crap!" Arin exclaimed.
"Not so loud. . ." Louis whined childishly.

"What's wrong with Daddy?" the twins chorused.

"He's just a little carsick, is there a bag or anything back there?" Amelia asked, thinking ahead.

Arin searched around for a minute before handing a plastic shopping bag to her mother with a disgusted look. "Thanks Honey," Amelia thanked her as she put the seat-belt over Louis with a click. She got back into her own seat, started the engine and then they rolled back onto the highway, Louis clutching the bag like a lifeline.

There were a few incidents in the next two and a half hours. The car smelt horrendous and at one point Arin almost threw up at the sound and the smell. They pulled over once more for a particularly bad bout and after what felt like year they finally made it to Amelia's parents house. Amelia explained the situation as Louis instantly crashed on the couch, barely even saying hello. He was exhausted.

By the next morning he was as good as new and he was able to spend a happy few days with his family and his parents in law. Until the ride home of course.

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