Why, me

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       Then out if no where Cameron said "guess what!" And kissed my cheek. I didn't want to guess I felt terrible about Ricky. I kept looking back at Ricky. "Okay okay, I'm moving here! I'm gonna join Mars high school with you!" He said and right then and there my life fell apart in front of my eyes.
      "That's great when do you start?" I forced myself to say while faking a smile. "Tomorrow!" He smiled and hugged me. I faked happiness and he finally left.. The only thing I could think about was Ricky and how he would react. Only he already knew..
       The next morning I woke up late and curled my hair quickly. I threw in black leggings and a pink skin tight crop top had black roses on it and my black converse. I looked in the mirror "prepare for a sucky day" I said to myself and decided to eat breakfast. I was gonna be late. I grabbed my backpack and walked outside the worst timing ever.. Ricky was passing by my house. He didn't say anything as I approached him.
      "It's not my fault!" I finally said louder than needed. "I didn't say it was Chloe" he said looking at the floor. I shook my head "what the heck made you like me anyways?" I finally snapped. "You don't even know me!" I added and looked at him. "Yeah your right lukasiak.. I don't no nothing about you I don't notice anything you do" he said looking at me. I didn't say anything. "I don't notice anything you do.. I don't notice the way you bite your lip when teachers call on you or how you play with the backs of your earrings when your nervous, or the way your eyes light up when you talk about Kirsten, or they way your eyes shine on a good day, or they way you dance in the rain, or listen to music during your homework, or the way you wait for Cameron to text back.. Your right Chloe. I don't notice anything about you. I'm just the boy next door" Ricky said and took me by surprise. I froze.

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