Maybe // Chapter 2

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Jacob sighed, he pulled himself up from the bed and walked over to the window. He looked like a Greek God, his naked form was almost sparkling beneath the sunlight, Connie couldn't help but take in his flawless physique and admire it with great observation. "It's a good job those blinds are closed", Connie chuckled slightly, she wanted to lighten the mood a little as she knew that Jacob was aggravated by the interruption.
"Babe. I appreciate that you need to figure things out, I really do. It's just, sometimes... I wish that we didn't have to talk about it, you know? We could just see what happens, let ourselves enjoy this and stop overanalysing every detail. You deserve to be happy Con, we both do", Jacob responded, it drove him insane when she would choose the most awkward of times to talk about things. It wasn't that he didn't care or that he wasn't willing to listen, far from it in fact... He cared about her so much and he loved talking to her, but sometimes he just wished that she would relax a little more and let life just unfold without having to plan everything, Connie was a perfectionist and Jacob was a little more laid back. It was certainly not the first time that their different natures had caused conflict, in fact it was rather a common occurrence. All he was sure of was that he loved her, he'd never felt this strongly before and he vowed that he would not to lose her. Three secure promises right there, surely that was enough? He just couldn't fathom how she always seemed to doubt every little good thing he did or said, it was if she was so scared of letting him in that often she would just shut him out instead.
"I want to be honest with you, okay... You said, love. Just then, you said that you loved me? Okay, well it scared me", she revealed, blushing slightly as the words fell from her mouth. She knew deep down that she was being a little drastic with her attempts to put barriers up, but she was so adamant not to rush things with Jacob, she had to keep reminding him to take it slow. It was like in some bizarre way, they were similar but completely different. They were at the extreme, but on the opposite ends of the scale. Jacob wanted to be official, but Connie just needed some time to understand her true feelings and to act on them accordingly.
"You think that I say this because I don't care, but that's crap. I know you think that I'm purposely pushing you away, but I'm not. I have to try and keep some distance, I can't explain it. It's just, sometimes... It's like my hands are flames and everything I touch just burns. I don't want to get too attached because what if you burn? What if I allow myself to fall for you, but you're not there to catch me when I do?" Connie was having a hard time trying to explain her methods and coping strategies, I mean she loved Jacob but he sure as hell was one of the most impatient men she had ever met. Hold up, backtrack she thought; loved. As in love, as in Jacob? Had she really just internally admitted that she loved him too, she raised a palm to her face and buried her head in her hands.
"I love you okay. There, what I just said? That's not really the case is it..." Jacob raised his brow yet again, by now he was becoming increasingly confused by the mixed signals in which she was giving off, but still he chose to listen intently and give her the time she needed in order for her to share what she wanted to say.
"I'm not scared about falling for you and not having you there to catch me, I'm not scared because who am I kidding? I've already fallen for you and you were right here, all along. You physically caught me, remember? The ambulance crash, you've always been here and I just didn't see it. All this time I was doubting us because I was scared that you weren't ready, but it's me that wasn't ready. I don't want to lose you Jacob, I can see it now. I understand what you've been trying to tell me for a while, but I was just oblivious to it because I was too busy trying to talk myself out of this... I forgot to listen to my heart for once, fuck my head. I want you. That's all I know right now and that's all that matters. I love you", Connie breathed a sigh of relief, it felt so good to finally say those words. Jacob flashed her his signature grin, before placing a tender kiss against her forehead.
"I'm proud of you babe. I love you too. So now we've established where our relationship stands, you fancy getting a place together?" Jacob winked, biting his lip mischievously.
"Calm down, one step at a time cowboy. Oh and Staff Nurse Masters, we'll have less of that smart tongue and more of the you know..." she paused; "magic tongue. Get back to work", she playfully ordered.
"Yes Boss."

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