Part 7

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You want me to move in with you guys?" I ask him. He smiles and nods. "I mean why not love, we spend most of our time together and really we last live together just that half of your stuff is at your place." I nod. "It's true."

"So what to you think?" He asks.

I mean I can't really say that all he said wasn't true It does look like I already live with them, and I enjoy it and I know that they also enjoy it.

"It won't be no trouble right?" I ask him. He laughs. "Of curse not, it would mean the world if you agree actually." I smile.

"Okay then." I said he smiles. "So it's settled?" I smile and nod.

"Yeah Harry I'm going to live with you."


Kenzie's POV

"Wait so explain yourself." I groan as I repeat again to my sister what is happening.

"Oh come on, it's just Harry, what do you think it's going to happen?" I ask as I see doubt in her eyes.

"I don't know Kenie, it's just- Oh don't your fucking dare roll your eyes at me." She says and I laugh.

"Tam, everything will be fine, you know Harry, he would never hurt me." She nods.

"Oh darling I do know Harry is lovely, but I mean he is your boss! Also lets not forget he has a baby!" I laugh.

"Job is not a problem we don't involve personal stuff from 8:40 a.m. Till 5:20 p.m besides Genevieve is an angel and it's because of her that I'm moving in." I said as I take a sip of my water bottle. You see I never order sodas or anything to drink from other restaurants I take my own water bottle.

"What do you mean that Genevieve is the reason?" Tamara asks me. I stop talking and think for a minute.
What did I mean? Well for starters a baby will always need her mom, whether it is a manipulative, or controlling mom, there is always that place in your heart that you know that needs a mom, Genevieve's mom is gone, and I don't want for her to go through what Tamara and I did.

"Don't tell me it is bec-" Tam gets interrupted by her phone. "Sorry." She answers and as I hear I bet that it is her boyfriend. "Talking about babies, mine can't even grab a fucking knife and tomatoes and make himself a sandwich." She says as she starts grabbing her stuff. I laugh at her comment.

"Just keep in mind Ken, it's a baby were are talking about, babies are a massive responsibility and it takes more than just changing clothes and dippers to take care of one." She says as she stands up.

"Also you have to keep in mind of the big baby, he is still struggling love, and you know it, so if I were you I'd think about it, because believe me a heartbroken man is worst than a girl with her period, they are more sensible and moddy, and you don't even know what to expect from them." I look at her.

"How do you know all of that?" She smirks. "That's a secret I tend to keep." I groan. "You are going to tell me someday?" I ask as I grab my purse. "Only if he wants to, okay I need to go he's calling again, Bye! Love you!" She yells as she exits the door.

My phone vibrates

Chicken: Hey could you bring food, not in the mood of cooking tonight.

Me: when do you have the mood of cooking?

Chicken: Bitch don't be a smartass.

I lock my phone and start walking, but suddenly stop as what he said come through my mind.

Did this jerk just called me a smartass?



Meanwhile Kenzie is buying Chinese, Harry is trying to get Genevieve to put her toys in her boxes.

"Darling you are going to time out if you say no to daddy." Harry says as he gives a purple Lego block to his daughter.

"No." Genevieve smirks. Harry wants to laugh at how adorable his daughter is, but he can't since he wants to show her discipline.

"Ok then." Harry says as he carries Genevieve to the living room and sits her on a small chair in the corner.

"Baby, time out for 2 minutes for being a naughty girl." Harry says. Everyone asks him why he only gives her two minutes, and he says that the reason is that Genevieve is a very active baby, and two minutes are like two hours for her, besides its not like she does something really bad to make it longer, she is still at the process of learning.

"Don't, those eyes won't win this time." He says as Genevieve stares at him, but when she sees that Harry won't budge she pulls her tongue out.

Harry chuckles as he sets the table for when Kenzie comes and they eat straight away.

"Honey I'm home!" Kenzie shouts.

Genevieve gasps and starts to stand up but Harry quickly stops her.

"Genevieve no, you're still on time out. It's literally being just a minute." Her chin starts to quiver.
"Why is my baby crying?" Kenzie asks as she lace the bags at the table. "She wanted to go and hug you but I stopped her since she is in time out." I explained. "Is daddy being a dummy?" Kenzie asks Genevieve. "Yes!" Genevieve exclaims. Harry roll his eyes at the two.

"Oh shush and come give daddy a hug." Genevieve goes directly to Harry and kisses his cheek.
"I'm sorry." She mumble against Harry's cheek. He laughs. "It's okay baby, just listen to daddy okay, now go and hug Kenie."

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