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A.N I'll be switching pov so pay attention please.
🦁Silver kits (pov)🦁
5 years later
"3,2,1, moss ball!" Yowled the deputy, and my dad, Thunderclaw. This is a new moss ball, I'm pretty sure it's what two legs call dodgeball. Thunder claw doesn't look like he could be my dad; he's a different colour, how did I get grey and black on me?
I snapped back in present as a moss ball whapped me in the ear.
"You're out Silverkit!" called my dad, but I didn't hear him.
Instead I saw a cat that looked identical to my mom Dawnstripe, and beside her stood a light grey Tom with dark grey stripes.
"WHAM!" I squealed in surprise as a mossball hit me in the nose hard. Some dumb apprentice threw it.

"Silverkit are you okay?" My dad said, as he scooped me up.
"I'm fine dad." I growled at him.
"Go see Fallenleaves maybe she'll help you."
"I don't need to see a medicine cat, plus Fallen leaves is a boy name not a girl name, and her kit is weird." I said.

"Go now Silverkit!" My dad growled threateningly.
I glared at him and stormed towards the medicine den. On the way I smashed into my mom.
"Did you get sent to the medicine den again darling?"
"No...yes...but it's not fair I was just got hit... Twice." I muttered sadly.
"It's okay honey it's oka-"
"No it's not okay mom. Are you even my mom? The only thing we have in common is our stripes. But how did I get black stripes and a grey pelt and not brown stripes and a ginger pelt!" I shouted angrily.
Then I realized what I said.

"I'm sorry mom, dads just being grumpy again"
"It's okay honey, just tell fallenleaves everything you think; she'll help you"
I nodded and padded to her den head down.

( fuzzykits pov)
"Nice hit fuzzy kit, you hit stupid kit right in the face... Twice" Mewed Rowan kit.
He's my best friend. Im the most important of all the kits, because I'm the leaders' daughter, or in other words, leapordstars' daughter. Her pelt is soft, white, and fluffy. But I'm purple. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I was playing with moms permanent fur dye. It is supposed to be put on our forehead to show that we are warriors. But I got it on my muzzle, tail tip, and paws. So now I have permanent purple die everywhere.

"Rowanpaw, catch!"
I tossed a ball of moss to him and he caught it, and threw it.
"Yes we win again!" I called cheerily.
Rowanpaws ball had hit the last cat on the other team.
"I'm going to see mom, see ya guys later!" I called as I gridded away.

( dreamkits
it's pov)
"Mom we have another customer"
"Okay dear, who is it?"
"It's Silverkit"
My mom came trotting out of our den to greet Silverkit.
"Hello Silverkit, how are you?"
"I'm okay, can I talk to you about something?"
She mewed and I saw a glint of fear in her eyes.
"Yes come sit down"
My mom sat across from Silverkit and I sat with my mom, then Silverkit told her story.

"Well I keep having weird visions, I always see a light grey tabby with with dark grey stripes, and a golden she-cat with brown stripes. The she-cat appears randomly, same with the Tom. When I see them I lose concentration on everything, but I think they're calling to me. Fallen leaves, I think they're my parents".

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