The Meeting

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•Katie's Pov•

I wake up at 7:00 am and head downstairs for breakfast. I eat fast and go upstairs to play some Minecraft. 'Girls get ready very soon some people are coming to adopt a girl.' I heard over the intercom, I put on my endermen high tops, shorts with overalls on them put don't put them over my shoulder so they hang down, then my 'BUDDER' shirt, and finally my red and black checkered jacket. I pull out my phone and go on istagram while she lines us up. I see a group of 7 people walk in. HO-LY FUCKING SHIT!!! NO FUCKING WAY!!! IT CANT BE THEM!!! I stare at awe at these men. Team Crafted. Mitch asked the questions and all the girls were giggling, guess I'm not the only one who thinks he's cute... I'm at the end of the line so when people come by me they usually have their minds made up already.

'Hello.' Mitch said with his cute accent

'Holy shit, no fucking way.' I said trying not to Fangirl to to much but I could help it. They were here, right in front of me. They just started laughing

'Do you know who we are?' Jerome asked in a stupid voice

'Mitch, Jerome, Adam, Ty not Tyler cuz that's munching tatos name, Jason, Ian and da fish.' I say while looking down at my phone.

'Did you goggle that.' Adam asks while laughing

'Actually, no. I'm just looking at this thing called istagram. See.' I say while holding up a pic of Merome kissing. I smirk and look at their faces

'Remember that vlog? Because I sure do! #Merome4Life!!!!' Adam high fives me

They walk over to the main lady.

'Katie!!! Go pack, you just got adopted!'

'Uhhhh ok then....' I go upstairs still in shock, pack and walk downstairs to my new family

'Lets go!!!' They yell

'Hey Jason?'


'We we get prizza for din din???' I ask trying to sound sweet

'HELL YES!!! I like you already!' Jason yells basically in my ear

'I try.' Trying my hardest not to blush

~•~Time skipz~•~

We are eating prizza while the doods ask me 5 million questions

'Fav color?'
'Call of duty'
'Person in TC?'
'Can't say.'
'Why' they say looking into my soul
'Because my fav is also my crush' I say without thinking twice
They all have evil grins

What the hell did I get myself into....

Adopted by Team CraftedWhere stories live. Discover now