02; Spy Trees Don't Scare the Pevensies

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02; Spy Trees Don't
Scare the Pevensies
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     Under an iridescent sun, Esther dreamed of a palace made of white stone. A magnificent view of white marble pillars stood still on the side of a cliff, making it look like it could touch the skies. Among the long halls of red drapes and gold molding rested some gorgeous statues Esther had envisioned. Her hand reached out to touch one of the art pieces, but it shattered the image just as her finger touched the marble.

     Her surroundings shimmered to a snow-covered beach below the castle, where the water lapped the sand. Esther felt an overwhelming sense of calm as she pulled a fur cloak tighter around her. She took a step forward, watching as her bare foot sank into the snow with a resounding crunch. As far as the eye could see, the beach stretched for miles. The ocean was doused in fog, giving it the appearance of early morning gloom before a brilliant sunrise. The sun's rays had just begun to peak over the horizon as she felt a breeze ripple her curls. The area was empty of other beings, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

     After what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes, Esther could see a figure in the distance. Upon closer inspection, she noticed it wasn't a man but a regal lion. Its golden mane was seemingly unfazed by the snow that had begun to fall on the beach. A soft breeze once again tickled her cheek and ruffled its fur. When Esther neared the animal, she could feel the warmth radiating from the lion in many different ways.

     "Find me."

     "What?" She asked, wanting to know the answer.

     "Find me." The voice repeated, just as strong as before. It took Esther a moment to realize the unknown voice was coming from the lion. Its gentle voice had lulled her so peacefully as she stepped forward, ready to receive any command it gave.


     "Follow the snow."

     Esther looked at her surroundings covered in snow, "That is going to be slightly difficult."

     The lion smiled as its mouth moved for the first time, "Follow your instincts. Find me."

     Esther tried to touch the majestic lion again. However, her efforts were futile, for the lion disappeared in a snow flurry as soon as she reached out. The teen cried out in horror, finding the action too sudden for her to comprehend. She felt that a great tragedy would occur should its disappearance be permanent.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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