Chapter 17 Mall (part 2)

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"What the hell Lexi?!" Jess yelled.
"Yeah what the poop Lexi" Angela said.

"Alex asked me on a date" I said jumping around they took time to process and then started to squeal and jump with me.
"Omg I new this day would come" Jess said fake tearing up.
"I can't believe my baby's growing up" they both said hugging me.

"Ugh I'm gonna cry" Angela said.
"And she's my baby" Angela said.
"No mine" Jess said


"No mine"

"No mine"

"Yes she's mine"





"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea" I said cause I know Jess can't resist the song.
"SpongeBob square pants!!"
"SpongeBob square pants!"
"SpongeBob square pants!" Jess screams.

We all burst out laughing and hug each other.
"Y'all are awesome" I said.
"I know, so when's the date?" Angela ask. I shrug my shoulders
"I don't know he never told me" I said and I ran out the restroom and found Alex.
"Hey when's the date!" I said.
"This Friday it's Sunday today so in five days" he said.
"Thanks" I ran back into the ladies room and told Jess and Angela.
"IM THE ONE GOING ON THE DATE" I screamed back.
Angela just laughed at how childish we are.

"Fine can we just go do some shopping and find me an outfit and that reminds me where are the twins when I stole y'all the twins weren't there?" I questioned.
"I don't know maybe we will bump into them" Jess said.
I looked in my hand to drink my strawberry smoothie but I didn't find it in my hand.
I just remembered something when I walked up to Alex he had a cup in his hand.

"ALEX HAS MY SMOOTHIE IM GOING TO KILL HIM" I said running out the ladies room.
I found Alex sitting at the table.
"Alex give me my smoothie right now" I said he looked surprised and then a evil smirk grew on his face.
"And what if I don't" he said I stuck my tongue out at him and reached for my smoothie but he put it over his head.
" Alex give me my smoothie" I said in the best three year old voice I got. He shook his head and I stomped my foot on the ground.
"Only for a kiss on the cheek" Alex said.
"Fine" I said in defeat I went to give him a kiss on the cheek but he quickly moved his head so that I'm kissing him on the lips.
I quickly pulled back and pouted.
"Your nasty can I have my smoothie now I have to go get those green day tickets and then go shopping for our date" I said.
"Fine" he gave me my smoothie and saw Jess and Angela leaning against the wall with smirks on there face.
"I got a pic off that kiss" Jess said pulling out her phone and showing me the picture.
It was me and Alex kissing and we actually look cute together.
"Can we just go get the green day tickets" I said sighing in defeat.

"Yep" we walked into the line and waited.

30 minuets off standing later

We were almost there just one more person we arrived at the front and they put a sold out sign.
"Mam can you please calm down we are sold out try a different mall" the security guard said calmly.

I breathed in and back out and then did that like five times. "Fine" I said walking to the Macy's store so I could get an outfit for my date with Alex.

I walked into Macy's and found the twins talking to two other girls.
They were twins too.

"Omg Justin and Dustin I was looking every where for you" I said worried.
They looked at me with counfused looks. I know what y'all are thinking me and the twins don't talk that much I know it's kind of weird talking to them alone but oh well.
(A/N picture of the twins above 👆🏼)

"What Lexi" Justin said.
"Hi nice to meet you but these to weirdos had me worried they are like brothers to me" I said messing up Justin and dustbins hair. I looked at the girls features and saw that one had blond  hair one had light brown almost an orange color both had big greenish grayish eyes they were pretty.

"Hi I'm Lexi you probably new that all ready." I said shaking their hands.
"Hi I'm hazel" the light brown girl said she has a British accent
"And in Haley" the blond one said she also has a British accent.
"Do you guys go to our school?" I asked.

"No we are home schooled" they both said.
"Oh there you are Lexi you had me looking for you like crazy" Jessica said.
"Yeah you had us looking for you like crazy" Angela said.
"Oh this is Angela she is dating my best friend Mike" Justin said pointing towards Angela.
"This is Jessica I think she likes Dylan" Dustin said whispering the last part. Jessica blushed furiously.
"And you have meet Lexi she is dating Alex our other best friend" the twins said together.
"How do you-"
"Don't ask" they said.

"Ok anyways we are going shopping would you like to come Haley and hazel" I said. They looked at each other and shrugged.
"Sure" they said together.
We walked to the teenager department in Macy's and found so many cute clothes. I took out my phone and texted Alex.

Lexi😉: hey what do I wear?
Alex is bae❤️: what do you mean?
Lexi😉: I mean like something comfy or like something fancy like what?
Alex is bae❤️: I mean I don't even want you to wear anything🤔😘
Alex is bae❤️: just kidding. Wear something flowy like a sun dress or something.
Lexi😉: alright bye see you soon
Alex is bae❤️: you have to hours
Lexi 😉: where Do we meet?
Alex is bae❤️: food court
Lexi😉: bye
Alex is bae❤️: bye

Ok two hours I looked in the sun dress section and found the perfect one but I can't tell anyone how it looks. I walked into the dressing room and tried it on and it fit perfectly. I walked out and saw Jess and Angela standing there I quickly grabbed the dress and went to the register.

"Hi my name is Brianna and it will be 12.27" the girl said. My eyes widened this girl reminds me off that little sister I used to have her name was also Brianna

Flash back
I was about 4 years old and I had a little brother and a little sister his name was Cole and her name was Brianna.
I ran up to my mom
"Mommy there is a guy that is trying to take Brianna" I said to my mother she looked at the guy and the guy was pulling Brianna into a black van. My mother quickly ran over there but it was to late the guys already took her and after that my mom and Cole and my went home my dad do everything in his power to get her back but we couldn't. We grew up with out her. Sometimes I wonder if she is still alive.
End of flash back

"Mam that would be 12.27" I said my eyes snapped to her blue ones and I asked her a question.
"What is you're last name?".
"Um did I do something wrong don't tell boss in me" she pleded I shook my head and chuckled.
"No I'm not going to tell can you give me you're last name" I asked again she looked relived
"My last name levin" she said. Last thing I saw is her eyes going wide.

That's when it went dark


Ohhh cliff hanger

I hope y'all like this chapter I know I did picture of Haley and hazel above

Um I guess that's it
(This was pre edited)

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