Jailbreak: The Burning Kid and the Guardian Angel

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This is the story of a tale told by none.

A group of heroes who have never been mentioned.

You may think that I'm making this up as I go, like I do with most stories.


Every single event was planned-- and has been planned for years.

It may seem boring, even unecessary at first.
But the trials that these people must overcome, will prove to be heart wrenching.
Trust me.
As of now, I do not expect people to read this story.
No, not at all.
But this needs to be told.


It is time that I finally tell the story.

Their story.


A twelve year old boy with ash black hair and a mottled red jacket walked silently through the old woods.
black converse crunching the autumn leaves beneath him.

This boy was called Aido Hayashi.

You'd best remember that.

Born in the woods near the well known Kuraki Village, it wasn't long before his poverty stricken parents couldn't afford to keep him --and abandoned him. Besides, they never wanted to have a child anyway. Why should they care?

Aido had to live off stealing food from the village. As-- well -- an animal would.
His personality was seclusive and utterly sarcastic-- almost unlikeable.
But, today was the day things were going to change!
He was going to get a house, and a mom and dad, and--and--

"Oey, are we there yet?" The boy asked, a bored, ungrateful tone seething through his young voice. The man walking next to him grinned. "Almost there. So tell me, where are your parents?" Aido shrugged, breath getting a little heavier.

"Dunno. My dad left my mom, and my mom left for some weird reason, so I'm just...kinda...alone."

He blew a strand of black hair out of his blue eyes. "How detailed you are." The scientist straightened his glasses, glinting in the sun-- it was hard to see if he was joking or not through his mop of scruffy red hair. "Sheesh, you're not my English teacher, dude." The boy huffed. He dug his freezing hands into his thin red jacket pockets.

Gosh, it's cold out here.

I wish I could be a dragon-- then I wouldn't have to worry about tempurature.

The scientist was obviously choking back an angry response as he clenched his large fists.
"...of.. Course not. How could I be so rude--"
He snarled through his teeth-- but then sighed and decided to shrug it off.

"Oh, would you look at that. here we are and there we are."
The scientist tilted his head slowly. "I'm Bashi by the way. Bashi Oyasuu." He pushed open the large metal doors to a large, ominous building padded with metal.
"You don't have to remember that, though."

The place itself wasn't very well kept... Water leaked out the scratched openings of the iron patches and the building itself didn't look very sound....

Other than that It looked very much like a laboratory.

The pair stepped in.

The man closed the large doors behind them, the huge metal blockades crashing back with a large, echoing thud.

Bashi then walked to another room.
Aido followed, breath still heavy as his shoes pounded and echoed across the metal floor of the dark room. "What place is this?" He muttered, a confused frown slowly scrawling across his face.
He tramped into a room with a complexity of bottles, tubes and wires hanging on the walls. Bashi didn't answer. "Now, would you be a good boy and step inside this?" Bashi gestured towards a large tube in the middle of the room, with a door on it. Aido narrowed his eyes and chuckled. "No way. That things dead creepy." Bashi's glare became serious. "Get in. Now." Aido stepped back slowly. "What'll happen to--" Bashi grabbed Aido by his collar. "GET. IN. THE. POD." Aido yelled and kicked at the guy, swinging his fists to no obvious avail. "LET GO--!!"

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