Then again, Katie would, and the first thing she'd comment on would be calling me a liar. Like, okay? Is that all you got? Because I could absolutely burn her down like dry wood in a forest fire. She'd have no shot against me.

My eyes close, and I force myself to think as clearly as I can, trying to get myself to calm down and fall asleep. As hard as it is, I keep thinking back to the night that my prank went wrong.

Well, what can I say? This isn't the latest I've stayed up on a school night, but it is in the same week.

Wow, I'm a rebel.

Watch out, I'm Katniss...what's her last name again? Potter? Yeah, Katniss Potter. I'm her, the one that got stabbed in the ear by that one guy with a number for a name. 

"I'm so delirious," I mumble, and curl up into a ball, officially falling asleep.


I swear, someone drugged me last night.

I remember everything, but how the heck could I have been that crazy? I've stayed up that late before, so what was wrong with this time? Oh, whatever, I've got bigger things to worry about.

Like the fact that I'm going to be late. Again.

I speak no words to anyone, not even my mother, and then I'm practically Barry Allen, speeding down the street in order to get to school in time. Everything better be normal. At least, until English.

The gods have finally answered one of my prayers. 

Nothing exciting happened during the day; I was just able to blend in, to go through my day with red, bloodshot eyes from the lack of sleep, and a messed-up mind.

When Mr. Harvey calls on me in English, though, I jerk, and pull Dylan with me, my fingers on his shirt. He smirks, and looks down at my hand's position. "Are you sure you're done pulling me?"

I scoff, and push him away. "You better make something up, right now, you little pest. I stayed up until midnight just to finish this, so I'm not even sure any of this makes sense."

He nods. "I know you did."


"Your presentation, Ms. Baker," Mr. Harvey reminds me, and I'm surprised how fast I can get sidetracked. I don't think that's a particularly good thing.

I sigh and nod. "Okay," I start, and transform into my usual bubbly self. Turning to the class, I present this poetry topic like a boss. 

Of course, I let Dylan have a say in some slides, just because he needs the grade, too, and it'll knock some points off of me for dominating the display. Can't have that.

After we're done, Dylan, knowing it'll raise questions, pulls me close, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get away this time. 

"You know, I think we make a pretty good team, Baker," he whispers, "why don't we just do these projects together all the time?"

I roll my eyes. "Team? Says the person who did jack squat to contribute to this fantastic powerpoint that I put together."

Mr. Harvey barks, "Alright, alright, it's English here, not drama class, save your issues for later. Charlie, Morgan, it's your turn." He's done with us, and I stalk back to my seat as the next pair make their way to the board.

Heading home, I try avoiding Dylan at all costs, but it doesn't exactly work.

"Hey, Baker," he calls, and I take a deep breath, knowing that he's hoping for a reaction.


"About what I said today in English," he starts, and for once, he looks shy.

"Which thing?" I say, hoping to hell that I can keep this polite.

"I know that you stayed up until midnight to finish the presentation," he replies, and when I open my mouth to retort with something totally rude, he quickly adds, "I wasn't stalking you, I promise."

"Then what exactly were you doing? If I remember correctly, your lights were out by at least ten."

"See, I wasn't the one stalking," he grins, and I smack him on the arm.

"What do you want?" I say, and start to get antsy. "I wanna go home," I whine.

"I felt bad for not helping you with the presentation--"

Whoa, felt bad?! I swear, something happened to the Dylan Carter I know. 

"--so I stayed up as long as you did." He continues a breath later, returning to his usual self, "I must say, it was hard not to text you, I needed someone to talk to."

I roll my eyes and retreat to my car. "Goodbye, Dylan."

He waves, and looks like an elementary boy for a second, but then Katie comes up and sucks his face for a little bit--not that I watched--and they both climb into his car to go home. To the house that's next to mine. I can't have those two living next to me, right across from my window, that's just...ew. 

My phone buzzes, and I look at the screen. Oh, Mr. Harvey put in the grade for English. Here comes the bomb. 

The number that determines my grade is ridiculous.

100%. How did I get 100%?

I smirk. "Maybe we do make a good team, Dylan."


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