He was sleeping with his eyes open while his big brother and his annoying friends were talking. 

He only woke up when he saw....her!!!

In his age, black hair and big brown eyes. She was walking between two older girls. When these girls sat in Gryffyndor table, she was standing awkardly among the new students.

He decided to go there too. He was bored anyway.

"Where are you going, Newt?" Draco asked. 

Newt rolled his eyes "With the first year students! Duh?" . He walked there.

He was next to the girl. 'Accidentally' he pushed her softly. 


"Oh sorry!" he said gently.

"Its okay. I'm Eleanor. Your name?"

"Name's Newt. Nice to meet you."

Dumbledore started speaking about rules etc. And then...there was their turn to be sorted somewhere.

Newt already knew that the Sorting Hat would put him in Slytherin. He was in his freaking blood.

He just hoped Eleanor would be there too. 

She didnt seemed Slytherin although. She was something between Gryffyndor and Hufflepuff. 

No hope left...

After some kids he didnt care about sorted somewhere, he heard a name that he made him freeze!



A/N: Yeah it was short too.... Next one tomorrow! :) plz comm and follow :) 

Between Red and Green {A Harry Potter fanfic +TMR +PJo}Where stories live. Discover now