Chapter 11.

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So far this is awesome. I am in second place, and I need to get to first. I looked over at the sand and I saw Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam cheering along with the crowd. I smiled and waved at them. Right now were waiting for a wave to come.

"Tay omg I missed you so much, we haven't hung out for ever" a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw my best friend Camie. Me and her have been through everything together. I haven't seen her for a while because she has been practicing. She's just like me. She likes to surf too. Camie has Brown eyes, and Short Brown hair, just like her mom.

"Camie I missed you so much" I said trying to hug her. Which we both end up in the water. we came back up laughing. Once on our boards, I saw a massive wave coming towards us. I started to paddle to paddle out, same as Kendra. she always has to be better then everyone at everything.

She was passing me, so I duck dived into a little wave and went past her. I then went up into the wave and stood up. Kendra glared at me and swam back towards the shore. I did a 180. Then a Clidro, it was Bitchin'.

I rode it in to shore where I met the other girls. I ran up to camie and hugged her "OKAY GIRLS PLEASE LINE UP TO SCORE" a announcers voice boomed through the speakers. Me and Camie walked over to the podiums with the others girls. A man named Tom walked over to it and started to talk.

I looked over into the crowd trying to find the guys. I saw them making there way over to the front of the stage we were on. I waved at them and harry smiled really big at me.

"Okay in third place with 8.7 points is... Camie Jade" Tom said in the mic and I hugged her and she walked up on one of the boxes that you stand on to get your metal.

"In second place with a score of 9.3 is... Kendra Long" she walked up to the stand this and got her metal. Okay one spot left don't be nervous you got this.

"And in first place with a total of, wow 9.8 points the most we have ever had is...Taylor Marie" Tom yelled and I smiled so big it hurt. I walked up to him and got my metal. I stood on the top box thing and we all got pictures. After the pictures I squeezed camie to death. (not really).

Taylor over here come here" Liam yelled. I let go of camie and ran over into his arms. Then they all gathered together for a group. "I'm so proud of you Tay" harry said then kissed my head. The others said around the same thing. "Thanks guys, it means a lot"


I'm so proud of Tay. I can't believe she won first place. This is insane for her. She's only 10 too. WOW. I feel like I can be the one that's always there for here, like a older brothers. One that she'll tell me what's wrong for anything. I'm glad harry thought about adopting Her, because if he didn't I would have. I honestly am kind of happy we have Tay. I mean I'm not happy about what happen to David, But if it didn't happen we wouldn't have Taylor with us.

After me and Perrie broke up I would just stay in my bunk on the bus. I wouldn't do anything. Since we came here my mood still didn't change. Not even Lou could make me smile with his jokes. But when Tays came around, she flipped my world around. I do worry about her though. I mean I wonder what she feels towards us. What does she see us as. If I could change places with harry I would but, sadly I can't. I really want to be her new father figure. I guess that's not going to happen anymore. I just have to be happy for her and be happy she's here with us I guess.

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