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(Allison's POV)

The man before me sets down a folder.
"Its done. Her sister is dead. The child unharmed."

With a smile of satisfaction I nod and send the man away.

Its working quite well, out plan.
The voice whispers to me.
Soon we will kill everyone she loves.

I log onto ny computer and pull up a photo of our next target. I read all about the girl on the screen, making sure I don't miss a thing. I press a button that is installed to the intercom outside ny office.
"Jackie I want the location of Selene Morris. I want a patrol following her every move. By the end of the week I want a report."
"Yes ma'am"


(Taylor's POV)

Greif filled me completely. The image of lisa laying dead on the floor would fill my mind every time I closed my eyes.

As soon as I had read Alison's note I collapsed. Selene lifted me in her arms and held me close. Emily crawled out and followed Selene as she walked out onto the porch and waited.

Soon the rest of the pack showed up. I couldn't speak, or do really anything at that point. Selene had to tell them. I think Clare took it the worst. You could see her heart breaking in her eyes. It was like you could see her very soul being torn apart.

My mother sank to her knees amd started to sob as my father just stood there, not being able to take anything else in. First my brother and now Lisa. One of the pack members went in to retrieve the body.
Emily sits beside selene and I, still in her pup form.

Selene said something to my mother that I did not comprehend but before I knew what was happening selene lifed me up and started for her car, emily following behind.  She set me down in the passenger seat and buckled me. Selene opemed the back door for emily who jumped in quickly. Selene quickly ran around and planted herself in the drivers seat. Putting the car in drive we shot out of there.

I watched as the green trees passed us by quickly. Emily had fallen asleep in the back. I don't think I could have slept after seeing what I had. I pull my knees to my chest as the thoughts spin wildly in my mind.

Soon we are stopped in front of a cabin. Selene slips out of the car and runs up the stairs and opens the front door. Then she glides down and opens the back door of the car, letting emily out.
"Upstairs there is another living room so you can go up there and wsit for a minute and then I'll help you change back. I just gotta take care of mommy. Sound good to you?" Emily yips amd darts into the house.

Selene comes to my door and hoists me up into her arms. My eyes couldn't focus on anything as I am rushed to a nice bathroom. Selene starts a bath as I sit on the sink, staring at my hands.

The water shuts off and suddenly I am being undressed. My clothes fall helplessly to the floor. Selene gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead before I am lifted again and set in the bath.

Selene grabs the shower head and starts the water so there is a slow trickle and she starts on my hair. Her fingers work through my hair and once she finishes she grabs a sponge and starts on my body. She scrubs every part of me gently as I sit motionless.

Selene lets the water drain once I'm done and helps me out of the bath and sets me on the sink so she could dress me and brush my hair.
"I'm not a child." I mumble. Selene smiles lightly.
"I know that but youve had a terrible day. Let me pamper you."

My hair was soon brushed and we walked upstairs to see Emily fully human and lying under a blanket. A small smile appears on my lips. Selene grabs a long t shirt and dresses emily before picking her up and taking her to a spare bedroom. She comes back and sits with me quietly, letting the thoughts consume me. 

Its my fault. All of this is my fault." I whisper as I start to sob. I just kept seeing little Lisa's body dead on the floor.
"Don't you dare say that. None of this is your fault. Its that heartless bitch of a hunter."

I couldn't take it. It was all to much. My bones start to reconstruct themselves and fur sprout.
"Taylor stop! You will hurt someone if not yourself! You have to control yourself."
"I can't! Its to much to handle!" I say through gritted teeth.
"Taylor look at me." Selene murmurs softly. My eyes find her and she's standing in front of me.

She slowly starts to lift her shirt, showing her abs and then her black lace bra until her shirt was off. I couldn't help but stare at her perfectly toned body. Then she starts to undo her pants. I could feel mt arousal rising. When my eyes found her face again a satisfied smirk rests on her lips.
"I figured that would stop your change." She said, her voice slightly husky.

I couldn't contain myself then. Everything from that day just melted away as I set my sights on selene. I stood from my seat and stalk toward her. A low, lustful growl erupts from her lips as she meets me half way. Our bodies merge together as our lips melt together.

Her lips feel so soft against mine as they move in sync with each other. Selene swipes her tongue across my bottom lip and I immediately give entrance. The kiss deepens and selenes hands find their way to my ass and raises me up, my legs going around her waist. Selene turns and walks down the stairs, as she does I start to kiss down her jawline and to her neck. I kiss and suck until I hit her sweet spot, right above her collarbone.

She opens the door to her bedroom and falls onto the bed, me underneath her. I rip off tje remainder of her clothes as she did the same to me. Selene kisses down to my neck and starts to suck, causing me to whimper. As her thigh presses against my center a loud moan escapes me as I start to shamelessly grind against it. Selene moans my name as she starts doing to same to me thigh. She bends her head down until she has one of my nipples in her mouth. She sucks in it, flicking her tongue ober it ever so often. One of her hands snakes its way between us as she starts to rub my clit, fast and hard. I started to moan her name over and over again. She is still rubbing herself against my thigh, the feeling of her wet core rubbing against me sent me over the edge. I climaxed and selene soon followed. She rested her head in the crook of my neck as she caught her breath. I smirk and flip us over.

I make selene turn on her stomach as I lah on her back. Running my hand down her side I make her raise her ass slightly in the air, I slip my hand around her and cup her hot sex. She moans and jerks her hips. I slip my finger between her folds and start to rub the bundle of nerves as I grind against her ass. Selene says my name over and over until all she can do is moan. My hand moves faster and faster as my hips mover against her ass almost as fast. Selene reaches behind her and tangled her fingers in my hair. This time we come together.

I fall off of her, my chest heaving as I gasp for breath. Selene pulls the blanket over both of us and pulls me so that my head lay on her chest and our legs were entangled, which I loved.
"That was fucking amazing." Selene murmurs, causing me to giggle.
"Yes it was." My eyelids start to feel heavy as exhaustion overtook me.

The last thing I rember was selene whispering sweet dreams and kissing my head. And then darkness

A/N Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter;) and I am currently writing a new story which is called Sightless so if you could check it out that would be awesome! Love all you guys!

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