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(Taylor's POV)

My blood was boiling, knowing Allison was hurt. I don't know how but I felt it deep down that she was hurting. It set me into a cold rage that I haven't felt in so long. Allison had honestly set my beast off. She awakened me.

My parents had always said that I would be awakened again when the time came, I just never believed it. This came along at terrible timing honestly. But I wouldn't change anything.
"Mommy?" Emily asked from the back seat. I looked in my rear view mirror to notice my eyes were slightly ablaze. Quickly I try to blink the color away.
"Y-yes sweetie?" I ask softly.
"Why did Ally's Mom hurt her?" Emily asked.

My heart stopped in that one moment.
"Sweetie I never told you that Ally's mom hurt her. How did you know?" Emily cocked her head to the side and met my eyes in the review mirror.
"The doggy told me." Was all she said as if that was to make perfect sense. My breath started to increase as I asked my next question.
"What doggy?" I whispered , fearing what she was going to say next.
"The doggy that I saw when I looked at you. She said that Ally's mom hit her."

My heart stopped. I couldn't breathe anymore. She was coming out, so much that my daughter was already seeing her. Fuck!
"Did the doggy say anything else?" I asked softly. Emily shook her head and settled back into her seat.

My hands clenched the steering wheel as I pulled into the drive way of Alison's house. I turned to Emily and gave her a quick smile.
"Listen to me sweetie. You stay in the car and do not move. Okay?" She nods softly and gives me a look I couldn't decipher.
"Mommy, the doggy is back. She looks scary now. She is really angry." I gulp down the knot that rose in my throat.
"What is she saying sweetheart?" I asked softly. Emily cocks her head to the side and listens closely.
"She says it's time for you to really awaken." A huge sigh escapes me and I just nod. I knew I couldn't fight it anymore, I felt it becoming part of me again.

I give Emily a quick kiss on the head and tell her one more time to stay in the car. Stepping out of the car I start toward the door. Without even knocking I open the door and walk in.

A woman lay there on the couch passed out cold, a lit cigarette between her fingers.

We need to leave here now...

The thought whirled around in my head, but it wasn't my voice that had said it. It was hers...

I'm back...

And I'm ready to run again. You know what's coming. We have to prepare, to save what's ours...

I nod my head and start walking passed the woman. A growl cut from my chest but I swallowed it.
"Allison?" I call our gently, making sure not to wake her mother.

Slow, gentle footsteps could be heard walking down the hall way. I saw her come out of the shadows and my heart started to hurt. She looked so bruised and broken it killed me.

Tears started to fall down her face and she ran into my arms, sobbing quietly into my shoulder. My arms wrap tightly around her.
"Everything's okay. I'm here now, no one will hurt you now." She pulled back slightly and pressed her lips to mine.
"Thank you for coming for me." She murmured against my lips.
"I'll always be here to save you." I murmur back.

"Who the hell are you?" A voice slurred from behind us. Allison started to tremble slightly and I pulled her tighter against me.
"Allison listen to me. Emily is in the car waiting, I need you to go out there and take her home." I whisper. She looked up into my eyes which were now a glowing blue. Her breath caught and she nodded.
"Y-you're n-not gonna k-kill her are you?" Allison asked softly. I shook my head but kept my eyes locked on hers.
"Just go Allison. Please." She gives me a quick nod and walked out of the house.

I heard the car pull out of the drive way and let out a deep breath, a certain scent of silver and leather hit my nose hard. Making me cringe. I turned quickly, my eyes meeting Allison's mothers.
"Hunter!" I growled fiercely. The woman gasped and stumbled backward.

My bones started to burn as they twisted into the form I had so long forgotten. Soon after the pain subsided I stood on four paws. My white fur shining as my tail wagged.

Mmm I've missed this.

I stalked toward the woman as she styled backward and fell back. She frantically crawled away from me.

She has not harmed us. Why do we wish to kill her?

My wolf asked confused. I growled.

She hurt what's ours, she must pay.

We have not found ours yet! And if you mistake that girl we've just let Emily go with you are sadly mistaken!

I was taken back but what she had said.

B-but s-she awakened is.

My wolf growled again.

Not for the reason you think. You may have shared a bed with her but she will never be ours!

I didn't know what to think. I thought that Allison was the one I was meant to be with. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear Alison's mom load the gun.

A growl ripped from my chest as I charged her. My teeth latched onto her arm before she could pull the trigger. She screamed in pain and I let her go, lowering my head and snarling.

The gun she had been holding was laying on the floor between us. She looked at me straight in the eyes.
"Listen to me wolf, I am more than ready to die today. I have been betrayed by everyone I had ever known. If you think Allison is a sweet innocent girl then you are more than wrong. I hit her because she deserves it. She's a monster."

I look at her, confusion filling me. She has to be lying. Allison can't be a monster. I know her.

You've known her for very little time. You do not know her! Please understand that!

I violently shook my head, trying to get my wolf out of my head. I didn't hear Allison's mom pick up the gun. When I looked at her she stood with the gun pointed to her own chest.
"Protect your daughter and family." She whispered before pulling the trigger.

I flinched away as the gun shot sounded. Afterward the was an eerie silence.

We must go! Now!

I turned and raced toward the back door and crashed through. Allison lived in the outskirts of the city so I darted toward the trees for cover.

The sound of distant police sirens filled my ears as I ran faster and faster. I had just witnessed a woman kill herself after telling me to keep away from the girl that I was supposed to trust.

What the fuck!?!

I thought to myself.

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