I'm your daddy

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My moms name is Charlotte and her husband which is my dad left us when I was only the age of 2,I've never really cared for that man,he did leave me to grow up without a father and that really hurt,but my mother found someone new,someone who I've heard about but never met,she would always leave me home alone at like 10pm while she go meet up with Luke,thats been happening for about 2 years now and he's finally moving in.

You would think my mother would make me meet this guy throughout those 2 years but no,honestly I don't know why.

I shut my laptop and put on my slippers before heading downstairs to finally meet Luke.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw him,he doesn't look old at all,I thought my mother would have gone for the old and rich kind of guy,but this guy,he's young,very young,his blonde locks,jaw line and the way he dresses make him look about 20.

"Hello" Luke chirped as he engulfed me into a hug.

"Hi" I said into the hug.

"Katrina,this is Luke,he's moving in with us so you two better get to know each other,but before that go get his bags out of my car".My mother said not taking her eyes off Luke while he stared directly at me.

"Okay" is all I managed to say.Was she really making me carry all his stuff while she does nothing.

I opened the door then Luke grabbed the door and held it for me.

"Thanks" I said walking to my moms car.

"I'll go help Katrina" Luke said to my mother.She simply nodded and walked into the kitchen.

As we walked to the car I couldn't help but ask him how old he was.

"Hey,Luke,um,how old are you exactly?" I asked as I bent down to grab a bag from the trunk,I could feel Luke's eyes right on my ass,but to be honest I didn't mind.

He chuckled and said "I'm 25".

"Why?" he asked.

He grabbed the bags from my hand as he noticed I was struggling.

"You look,well,so much younger then my mother" I said awkwardly.

He simply laughed a bit.

"Yeah,I know" he said.

I grabbed two light bags and began walking back to the house,then Luke slapped my bum causing me to drop one of the bags.A little squeal escaped my mouth before I turned around to see Luke smirking,I don't know if its normal or not for fathers to slap their children's bum,cause I never had one.

"What was that for?!" I said while I held the bum cheek he slapped.

"I'm your daddy,get used to it"


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