I'm The Better Looking Twin

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⬆️ Victoria Justice is playing Alice but with a lighter skin tone.

Alice's Pov

I hate editing videos, they take forever and eventually I  get tired of looking and hearing myself. After an hour of editing, I finished, I will upload my video tomorrow. I put my laptop on my desk and started to clean my room a bit. I made sure everything is in the right place and took a step back to see my room. Everything was neat and perfect. I heard a knock at the door to find my younger sister waiting in the doorway of my room.

"Al do you want to go out to eat with Sean and I" Poppy asked

"Nah I'm good, I ate before I filmed my video. Anyways I have to help our brother with packing." I shrugged

"Well suit yourself, I will just tell Sean you say hi. Bye Alice!" Poppy started walking downstairs.

"Bye Poppy!!!"

I made my way to my brother's room to find him texting someone.

"Who are you texting Alf? It's Zo isn't it." I smirked

"Fine you caught me detective Alice, but there was no flirting . She just asked me what time Joe and her will be at the apartment."

I looked around the room to only find everything packed except his clothes.

"You are almost done, you didn't really need my help packing you know."

"Well it will be faster if you will help, plus I'm going to donate some of my old clothes."

I grabbed a shirt I bought Alfie and put it in a box that says keep. Then I put another shirt that Alfie hasn't worn since year 8 to a box that says donate. After an hour of organizing and packing we finished. There was only a bed, mirror, boxes and suitcases left in Alfie's room. It was so empty without all his junk. I then found myself and Alfie looking at the mirror. Even though we are twins, Alfie and I have very few similarities. Alfie has thick eyebrows, a long chin, crooked teeth, dark brown hair, and is quite tall (6 ft tall). I on the other hand have normal eyebrows, a normal chin, straight teeth, light brown hair, and I am 5 ft 6 inches. But we did have the same brown eyes and lip shade.

"I am totally the better looking twin." Alfie said with a very confident voice.

"Brother, who told you that. You may be the funnier twin, but I am totally the better looking one."

"No I am!"

"No I am!"

"No I am!"

"Fine, if we can't decide who the better looking twin is. I know who can." I said, it was a brilliant idea.

"Who is gonna choose who the better looking twin is?" Alfie said with his croaky voice.

"Instagram will, we will use yours because I forgot my phone in my room."

"Ok, but Alice prepare to lose because I am the better looking twin. To make it fun, why don't we make a bet." Alfie said with an evil grin. "The loser will have to pay the first month's rent for the new flat."

I thought about it for a moment. Losing money won't be that bad and I just want to see my brother lose. The Deyes twins have always been very competitive.

"Deal." I said, "but you are going to lose."

(Read A/N in a Tyler Oakley voice)
Well hello everybody, how are you guys today. Hopefully you guys are well and if not, I hope this fanfic cheered you up a little. I know this fanfic is a little slow but don't worry Joe, Zoe, and other friends will appear in the chapter after the next. Also sorry if this chapter was kinda short. I hope you will enjoy this book. Love you, and Dubaiiiiiiiiii.

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