Chapter 19: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Y/N's POV: 

I stood there, watching the arrow as it flew through the air and cutting all sound for one second. My breathe caught in my throat, choking. Just before it hit, Blue stepped aside. I stared at her, hearing the hum of leaves rustling, the constant chat between birds, and my own breath coming in gasps. I wanted to ask if she was ok. 
But for some reason, I was scared. And I didn't know why. I swallowed hard, standing slowly. Blue turns around, her eyes dark. My fear couldn't be held together anymore. I turned around and sprinted back into the willow grove. "Y/N?" My name was shouted, and it echoed endlessly as it bounced and broke against the trees. Keep running! I thought desperately, commanding my feet to keep slamming against the ground and keep me moving forward. 
"Reaper, Carrisa, Sakira. I found her. Sending coordinates ," Blue said. Oh, no! I'm like a deer being hunted by wolves... I have to outwit them! I turned to the right, then to the left. But Blue stayed on my tail the entire time. I was losing stamina quickly. I couldn't keep them off forever. 
There was only a few options I had: keep running, fight, or give up. "Y/N! Stop! It's me, It's Blue!" Blue's voice rang in my ears. I wanted to stop, but I was afraid. I took out my arrow, slid the feathered back into the string, and summersaulted and twisted around. I chose to fight. In my sights, Blue's black and blue suit dashed between the shadows and the light. I tried to slow my breathing, but it wasn't long before Blue was nearly to me. She slowed and skidded to a stop in front of me. I didn't know when I started finding the reflecting tears at the bottom of my eyes, but when she stared me in the eyes, I saw them. 
"Y/N," Blue said quietly. "It's me... There's nothing to be afraid of. Come home." She took a step towards me. I tightened my grip on the bow string, warning her to keep away. She hesitated for a moment, but showed no fear. "Stay back," I said forcefully. "Why are you following me? Leave me alone!" My fingers burned with the pain, but I held the string tight. 
"Please, you don't have to fight," Blue said, taking another step. "We don't want to hurt you." I blinked allowing a few stray tears crawl down my face. "Do you not remember when you helped us get those kids out of the facility, when you-" 
"Shut up! You left me to die in that burning place," I yelled angrily. "Why didn't you come back?" 
"You said you knew what you had to do," Blue said, a fierce glint in her eyes. "You gave yourself for us, for Randy." That name! Blue must have seen the hurt in my eyes, for her fierce glare turned to a calm stare. 
"R-Randy...?" I said, loosening my grip a little. My vision became distant, blurred by the memories and the tears. "Monster!" The words echoed uncontrollably in my mind. Blue edged closer, calmly and in a sisterly way. 
"Randy misses you... He's hurt! He needs to know you're alive. Come back. Please," Blue said through my memories. I swallowed, letting the string in my fingers ease up until it was limply hanging there. He's hurt... He misses you... Come back..., I echoed Blue's words. A hand gripped my shoulder and made me jump out of my thoughts and look up to see Blue's bright blue eyes. They were calm, they were open. 

Randy's POV: 

My dreams were haunted with her image. I ran for her, screamed out her name, did everything I could to ask her to stay. But nothing worked. I normally woke up with her last words in my ears. "I love you." This time, though, was different. I was asleep, that much I knew. I was walking through a forest of willows before coming to a small stream. It was so much more peaceful here. 
"Ninja." I jumped at the words, finding Shira standing behind me. Her silver eyes were soft and welcoming. I smiled back at her. "Hey, Shira...," was all I could get out before breaking down into tears. She was gonna punish me. I knew it. 
"I am not here to punish you, Randy. I am here to guide you," she said, calmly. I sat down in the grass next to Shira, my reflection swirling into different proportions in the moving water. "I know what happened at the facility. It wasn't your fault... well, not completely. You did recognize her at some moments, but didn't believe it was her in the end, right?" I nodded my head, wiping away tears. 
"I just... If she had taken the mask off..." I said, regretting what I had done again. "Things would be different." Shira blinked in understanding. 
"I want to know the truth," I said, looking up into her silver eyes. Shira nodded. 
"Don't we all? I believe you are sitting on the truth at this very moment," she said, nodding over to the grove of willows. I blinked in bewilderment at her. What could this place have to do with Y/N's disappearance? Shira got to her feet and walked to an open spot in the grove, taking an uncharted path through the forest. I followed, curious and desperate to know what was going on. 
"Y/N! Stop! It's me, it's Blue!" An echo sounded in the woods. My heart beat faster at the sound of Blue's call. 
"She found her?" I asked Shira. Shira didn't answer. She just kept walking. I continued to follow Shira down the unmarked path. 
"Y/N... It's me. There's nothing to be afraid of. Come home." Soon, we came to an open clearing where Blue stood in front of... Y/N. I stared at her. Nothing was wrong, she was ok. I blinked, sinking to my knees. I screamed at myself not to cry. And I didn't. She held a bow with an arrow in her hands, steady and true of aim. 
"Stay back. Why are you following me? Leave me alone!" The words were so cold, so fearless. She had changed. 
"I believe you have seen enough," Shira said, breaking the silence. I glanced up at her, shaking my head. 
"No, wait! Where is she?" 
"You will know soon enough." 
Beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep! "Randy...! Randy, you ok? We've found her! We've found Y/N! My eyes slammed open, and I kicked the blanket off me. My earpiece rang on my mattress, Reaper's voice shouting through the comm. I picked it up. 
"On my way. Coordinates?" 
"Got them right here. Hurry!" 
"It's Ninja o'clock!" 

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja X Reader: Legend (under construction)Where stories live. Discover now