Moments // Chapter 1

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Connie rolled out of bed, she groaned as the light from the gap in the blind hit her face and immediately brought her out of her peaceful slumber. She eyed her phone, pressing gently against the button as to brighten up the screen so she could check the time. "Great", she murmured, hauling herself up out of bed and running to the bathroom. She couldn't believe that she had slept through her alarm yet again, this must have been the second time this week this had happened. The last thing she needed was for this to become a habit, she was already well aware that her relationship with Jacob was a highly discussed topic amongst the ED staff, if it was to somehow start affecting her work; it wouldn't be long until everyone would have something to say, she was just not ready to be lectured by Charlie or worse, undermined by her colleagues.
"Baby, you okay?" Jacob called out, his voice was hoarse and she could almost visualise the eyebrow raise that he must be doing.
"Yes. I'm fine. Just late, as usual. I need to start getting myself sorted, I can't be setting this example, I should be there now. I'm not a student Jacob, I'm the boss... I think sometimes you forget that", she scoffed, this time it was her turn to pull a face as she rolled her eyes and moved her jaw in an agitated manner. "Look I know that, I respect that. I just think that it's okay to once in a while relax a little, let go and just live for the moment. Live in this moment", he urged as he walked into the bathroom. Connie was finishing off her hair in the mirror as Jacob approached from behind, snaking his large arms around her and pulling her against him. "Ten minutes will not hurt. Nobody needs to be at work two hours before their shift, come on look... Just blame the traffic or just be honest and tell them that you needed an extra fifteen minutes in bed, nobody is going to be waving pitch forks and burning you at the stake. I'm sure they'll not even notice that the boss is an hour and forty five minutes early as opposed to two hours", he smirked.
"You're such a smooth talker aren't you? I bet you were the kid in class that talked themselves out of three months worth of homework, you really do think you're invincible don't you?" Connie giggled, playfully hitting at his chest as Jacob closed the distance between them. He pressed his lips against hers, softly at first but the feel of her body so close against him ignited a sense of urgency within him. He pushed her against the sink, hiking up her skirt before attacking her neck with hot kisses.
"Oh... Jacob", she struggled to catch her breath at first, completely caught off guard by his sudden need for intimacy. She ran her nails down his bare back, grinding herself against his thigh. She nibbled at his ear, "I guess I could... Have an extra fifteen minutes in bed", she whispered. Her husky voice, lathered in elegance and intellect only spurred him on further. He grabbed her hand, his other hand never leaving her hips as he guided them both back to bed. Pushing her down against the white sheets, he removed her clothes in which she had not long since put on and began to pay close attention to every inch of her perfect skin.
"I love you Connie", he moaned as he traced his tongue down her chest, she was in pure ecstasy beneath his touch. She felt like a teenager, she hadn't felt this good during sex for a really long time. Jacob was just, breathtaking. His words completely took her by surprise, I mean she knew they were an item as such and she would be lying if she said that she had no feelings for the younger nurse... But love? That was a huge step, the thought of what it meant and all that came with it, Connie couldn't help but cast her made back to her previous experiences with love. They had all been so complicated and complex, hearing Jacob say those three life changing words just caused so many emotions to flood through her thoughts.
"Jacob. We need to talk", she gasped, he was still working his magic and for that, she had no objections but she also knew that the sooner they talked about whatever this was, the better. She needed to know that they were both on the same page, the last thing she needed was for more complications in her life, she was finally at a place where she was starting to deal with her problems and being with Jacob, well it quite frankly scared her. It had been so long since she had shared herself and her life with a man, she just needed to be sure about a few things before rushing into something that she may at a later point regret.
"Connie, what's wrong?"

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