Ok, So........Uh huh........I'm Confused.

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I felt someone brush the hair off my face, then there was breath on my lips. I shouted, and the breath was gone. I opened my eyes, and saw Natural. I blushed. He had tried to kiss me. Me! Who would try to kiss me? I stood up, then realised I was in a Pokemon Center. Just great. What the hell happened? As if he read my mind, Natural answered my questions.

"You were running away from school when you hit a lamp post and fell, hitting your head. I brought you here. And, anyone. You're really quite beautiful."

He immediately left after saying that last part.

What? Um......sure. Well, I walked back to Nuvema town.

Something pushed me against the wall, pinning my arms. It was Cheren. I smiled, and we kissed.

(I need to explain. I was about 12 and I hadn't had my first kiss until Cheren, nice as he is, offered to give it to me. Ever since then, we've been secretly seeing each other, coz if Black ever found out, he'd go ballistic. Anyway...)

He pulled away, and touched my forehead. I cringed. That hurt like hell. Realising his mistake, Cheren started kissing me again, until the front door opened, and Bianca came out........of my house? What the-? She looked upset, until she saw us. Oh no. She ran back inside, and I chased after her. She was talking to Black. Just great. Not. He looked like he could rage. I walked in casually and gave my brother a warm smile.

"Hey, bro. What's up?"

"Nothing, except you broke our pact."

"What pact?"

"You know. The pact where we can't date other members of our group."

"I'm not dating him. We're just.........friends with benefits."

"That's the same as saying that Natural is your 'frienemy'."

"What? N's not.......my friend."

"N? You have a nickname for him?"

"That is his name!!!" I shouted protectively.

"Why the hell are you protecting him!" Black shouted back.

(This could go on for hours. Let's just skip to the end.)

I felt like I could punch him, so I went for it. I tried, but Cheren held me back. I broke free and was about to hit Black but Cheren swooped in again and this time pinned me against the wall, so I was facing him.

"Calm down, White." his voice was a whisper, more like a pur. It sent shivers down my spine and I was instantly calm. Cheren kissed me, but Black pulled him off, and they started fighting. I knew my brother's weaknesses so I tried getting the back of his neck. Failed. Left leg. Failed. Shoulder. Failed. Only one option left.

"Oi!" I shouted. They stopped and looked at me. "If you two don't stop fighting, then I'll go confront Kyurem." Cheren looked shocked, while Black was on the verge of tears. I hugged my brother, and whispered "I'm sorry I broke the pact. Cheren and I aren't even in love. We just.....you know, kiss a lot." Big mistake.

Black pushed me off of him and I fell to the floor. He ran outside and jumped over the rail, into the sea. I ran after him, vaulted the rail and swam, trying to find him. I picked a PokeBall out of my pocket and let out my Pokemon, so I could find Black before something-or one- else.

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