Chapter 1 - Seeing

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Chapter 1  Seeing


 I was an average high school student. A typical nerd, the type that would always bring back high scores, and enjoy reading school texts over summer break; I was only sixteen, young, ignorant, and suppressed by my parents, as I should be, when something happened. Something miraculous, and completely improbable, I started seeing spirits.

                 It was at the start of the month, fall, near the beginning of school. My mother and I ... we were driving to a college lecture run by my father. It took only an instant, driving on one lone road, a shortcut, my mother said. It took an instant, for an opposing truck, one that appeared to be well managed when it was a distance away, but once it came to those last few feet from our own vehicle. It suddenly swerved into us, and then.. There was only excruciating pain.

My head... My head, it was gone. Torn out of its socket in my neck; my legs.. Felt like they had severed from my waist.  My legs ... battered, broken into miniscule shards by the impact. It was extremely difficult to open my eyes. They were glued. My eyelids were glued shut by a rim of scarlet blood. When I forced them open, I found myself under the car. Darkness, a glowing shaft of light shined from outside, Daylight.

I raised a torn and stinging hand to cover my view. It was painful. The light was painful. I didn't want it. My mind was clouded. Obscured by dense, gray, fog, I was listening, but everything.. it was mute. The world had flipped the off button. Somehow, nothing seemed to exist anymore. I closed my eyes again wearily. Let my hand slump over them. A low groan escaped my lips, when I awkwardly attempted to turn myself on the ground, to lie on my back, in a less painful position. When I rearranged myself, I noticed. it was gravel, small stones, scraping against my arm as i twisted off my stomach. I was on a road.

 Road. I was driving on a dirt road. .. The fog filling my mind cleared slightly. No, not me. There was someone else, someone with long, winding, brunette hair. Similar to mine, they were beside me... The wooded scenery flashing past the window at my side, driving past the greenery that encompassed our state; The tape in my mind, unreliable, static-ridden, cut off, and I was so close.

My head shifted, I grimaced when my tender skin was picked by the gritty roadway. I stopped. my eyes flinching tightly shut. A pressure, building, further and further in my mind, my nerves overheating, a migraine, aching, and shaking my head; when I opened my eyes, dots would flash in my gaze. I was going under, darkness taking over me, my body.. Visibly heating; I cringed. Raising my knees, to brace against my stomach, I turned myself to the side, and wrapped both arms around my legs. Hot.. Too hot, my body, felt like it was going to explode. Like a ticking bomb, I would only grow warmer, and warmer, until eventually...

I was gasping, dying; every hoarse breath burned the raw skin in my throat. An inky, haunting, dusk surrounding me, my senses clogged, little by little, I was fading. The last thing my mind registered before I fainted, my heart, pounding painfully battering, against the inside of my chest, and the question in my mind, how long? How long would it take to dully beat to a complete stop? How long would I have.                                                             

When I came to, there were white figures, swiping against my side, noise, incredible noise, my name.


                That was my name, someone was calling me, and I had to answer. The tone, sounded oddly familiar.

Rose, honey can you hear me? Yes. Dad, I can hear you. "Rose, move your finger if you hear us, your finger."

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