"Nice one Nialler, way to be. Next time, watch your feet. You that clumsy with your girlfriend?"

A coat of blush came across his cheeks  and he glared at Liam through the mirror.

"Hello to you too, you dick. Oh, and if you must know, Im actually pretty dominant with her."

Liam and I fake gagged, and I turned up the radio and slouched in my seat, as Liam drove off to the restaurant.

Once we reached the restaurant, we parked the car and walked inside. Lining up, Niall got a burger, chicken, fries, an ice cream flurry, and soda, Liam got the caesar salad, and I got a burger as well. God, Niall eats way too much.

"Niall, is all that food REALLY necessary? I mean cmon, this is Mc. Donald's, not a healthy spot, can you even eat all that?"

Niall scoffed before saying, "It is necessary, actually. Of course I'll eat it all, have you met me you idiot?"

I sighed before taking my seat and beginning to eat my burger. I have to admit, they have good food, but if I continue to eat this rubbish, I'll become a hot air balloon.

Liam eats so healthy no matter what, or tries too. I mean, we rarely ever eat out, including Mc. Donald's, Niall does, but we don't. Im sure he could eat some junk once and a while, but nope. We come to a fast food restaurant and he gets a salad.

Liam and I were finished after Niall, surprisingly, and we all took our last bites, burping in sync and then laughing our heads off.

Suddenly we heard someone clearing there throat, and we looked over, seeing three girls smiling at us, crop tops on, skinny stomachs showing, and black leggings.

"Hey boyyyys. We were just wondering if you wanted to come over to our place and mess around for a bit. Oh who are we kidding, we know you won't say know, lets go baby."

I looked at them in disgust. They were wearing way to much make up, and their hair was long and greasy, they looked like they haven't showered in weeks.

"Sorry girls, I like dick." I bluntly say, and they glare at me before turning to Liam and Niall.

"As do I." Liam said, before looking at me with a concerned expression on his face, and I did my best to keep in my laughter.

"I have a girlfriend, so you can leave now." Niall said disturbed.

They scoffed before saying, "Whatever, you losers. We can do better than you anyways, a weird bitch and two faggots, ugh. You people make me sick." They said before walking off.

We stayed silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing. We didn't know who those girls were, but they are probably just another couple prostitutes here in Doncaster.

We got up, threw out our trash, and then walked out of the store, our dignity still with us, those girls, maybe not. We got in the car, and drove off back to our dorm, Niall deciding he would spend the night with us.

We got home, opened up a case of beer, and sat back to watch the football game. Today, it was the Broncos against the Packers, and of course I was cheering for the Packers, thats Harrys favourite team.

I jumped up screaming "YEAH." as Green Bay got another touchdown, taking the lead 12-7. It was the final quarter, 5 minutes left in the game, and I could tell they were going to win.

By the time the game was over, it was 10PM, so everyone decided they were going to go to sleep. We all crawled into bed, and Niall turned off the light. We all said goodnight, and the two boys were asleep almost instantly.

I was a different story. I couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to text H, and see what he's up too.

@fuckingharry - Hey H! Did you see, Green Bay won tonight? Thats great, Harry will be happy. I can only talk for a little while, but I thought I'd say hi.

@harryfan_123 - Yeah, I did see that! They are my favourite team, so I was really happy. Yeah thats cool, I shouldn't be on for too long anyways. What did you and your friends do today?

@fuckingharry - We just went to Mc. Donald's. Niall ordered way too much, yet he always stays skinny. I don't get it, but I'm pretty jealous of it. What did you do today?

@harryfan_123 - Honestly, nothing but work. It keeps me busy a lot. Sucks, but I earn lots of money from it, keeps me from being homeless, so I guess Im happy.

@fuckingharry - Yeah, Im sure. There are pros and cons to every job I think, right?

@harryfan_123 - Right.  

@fuckingharry - Hey listen, Im gonna go to bed, because its obviously late, but I'll talk to you tomorrow yeah? I can't believe we've already been talking for almost 3 months, and theres still almost two months until we meet.

@harryfan_123 - Yeah, we've talked for a while now. Anyways, get some sleep Lou. I'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight!

@fuckingharry - Goodnight, H.

I resisted the urge to type I love you, its way too soon. Sure, I have those feelings, but he may not yet, we haven't even met yet. I turned off my phone, plugging it in after seeing it was at 20%. I laid down and closed my eyes.

I fell asleep the minute my head hit my pillow.
Hello all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know its kind of just a filler, but I thought it was pretty funny and cute. On a side note, completely non related to this story, I REALLY want an internet best friend, and I currently don't have one, so just private message me on here, or DM me on my Instagram @1dsnudes and I will immediately love you. We will be goals by the way, Skype on Christmas to show our gifts, meet one day, post about each other, put each other in our Instagram bios, and yeahh. Anyways, we are thinking on making Harry and Louis meet around chapter 25, and this book will end around chapter 100. There will not be a sequel. I hope you all have enjoyed so far, I love you guys! ~Halley

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