Chapter 13

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The weekend was quiet. Amanda was slowing making our travel plans for our trip once finals are over. Speaking of finals they are this week. I'm stressing over them like normal while Amanda hasn't even studied at all. I know she is super smart and doesn't need to study much but it makes me feel like an idiot to have to be studying all the time when she doesn't even have to try to do well on tests.

Along with studying I was recovering from my latest fight. Having Amanda come with me to the fight was weird. All I wanted was to protect her from my violence. I never really wanted her to get caught up in this and now she is watching from the sidelines. As her wife, I don't want her to see me like that.

Amanda hasn't really talked to me about what happened Friday night. I know she doesn't want to think about it but I just want to know what is going on in her head about watching me fight.

Dante called me this morning and told me that I have a fight scheduled for this weekend. At least he gave me some kind of warning so I can train. I know this fight will be bigger then the last. The last girl I faced wasn't really too much competition; she was a warm up to face someone bigger and bader.

The week went by pretty fast with my consent studying and training. I feel like I haven't seen my wife since Sunday night. I put aside all of my notes and we just spent the day in bed together. We just laid together and talked about our future. Amanda really wants to go back to Australia and I will follow behind her. I just have to keep up my end of the bargain to Dante. I owe him a lot and I know that if I just leave, things will be worse then they are now.

There are a few new leads on Tess and the guys who shot Dante. For now Isabella and him are staying at a safe house closer to the gym. Even though he is still recovering from his injuries, Dante still has a gym to run and a mafia family to keep control over.

As things settled this week Dante and Joe made a plan to battle Tess and try to settle all this shit with the Irish once and for all. Dante wants as little fighting as possible and so do I. I don't really want anybody to die over me or for me. I can fight this battle myself if Dante would let me. Even though I hate him most of the time, he is the second father I needed in the time I didn't have anybody. But now that I have grown into an adult and learned about what he does I don't really want to be around him anymore.

Luke and John still come with Amanda and I when we go out places. We still don't know what Tess wants from me and until she is caught we need to keep our guard up. As we traveled back and forth to school for our tests we would always have one of them with us. As per Joe's orders they are always armed now. We don't know what can happen and he wants them prepared if something bad were to happen.

The week went by with no problems and I only have one more final next week before Amanda and I could leave for Australia for our honeymoon. I'm starting to get really excited for the trip. I know that it will be amazing to see her home with her family and friends. She talks to them all the time and I just really want to be able to put faces to all of the names she has thrown at me over the years.

I have started packing but I don't really know what to bring. It's going to be like summer time down there now in this time of year so I have been letting Amanda pack for me. She knows what to bring more then I do.

It's Friday night, another fight night. My last till we come back from our honeymoon. I know what Dante has more money on me because I'm considered the underdog in this fight. The only reason why I'm the underdog is because this other chick is undefeated. She has a 24-0 record and I'm going to make it 24-1. I really didn't want Amanda to come with me tonight. This fight won't be like the last one. That was easy. This girl won't be. But trying to reason with Amanda was like talking to a brick wall.

Luke and John picked us up for the fight late Friday night. My fight is going to be the main event so we are the last to fight. When we got there I started to get ready and Luke wrapped my hands. Amanda took my wedding ring again and the only thoughts running through my head is that as long as I win the fight, I'll have enough money to treat Amanda like a queen when we go to Australia.

I didn't even get a chance to watch others fight because the fight before mine ended so quickly. Luke rubbed my shoulders trying to loosen me up as I walked out to the cage. Getting into the ring I was kind of surprised to see the girl I'm fighting. She looks like a tank. This fight is going to be a long one.

The reff checked us over before they rang the bell. The girl stayed back and we both threw a few punches, just trying to get a feel for it. I know from Luke that I have to watch for her killer left hand. If she throws it and connects I'm gone and that can't happen.

Then I saw an opening when she tried to throw her left hand. I dodged it and kicked her in the chest. She stumbled back a bit and I know I did some kind of damage. But when I saw her face she looked mad. It makes me think what the hell did I just do. Once she got her breath back she came after me. She tried to take me down but I just moved out of the way at the last second. When she hit the mat I jumped on top of her and started punching her in the face.

It didn't last long though because she literally threw me off of her. I flew back a bit and watched her get up. Looking at her face I saw that I spilt her eyebrow open. That's going to leave a nasty scar. Before she could come after me again the bell rang ending the first round.

One thing about these fights, the amount of rounds will just go up until there is a winning. The fight can go 5, 6, 7 rounds before someone gets knocked out, gassed, disqualified or submission. I need to put an end to this fight either in the next round or the third. Luke wiped my face off and gave me some water.

"Scar she has a bad tempter, you just have to watch what she is doing, she's not that smart. Look for those openings and drill into her." Luke said. I just nodded and took some more water from him.

The bell rang again and I was waiting for the tank to come after me. She didn't want to come though because she motioned me to come for her. I'm not stupid, as soon as I get close enough she would unload her left hand. So instead I waited for her. She came for me when she realized I wasn't going to go for her. As soon as she got close she started to unload but I just blocked everything. Right now I'm thinking that the only way I can get this fight over with is if I end it is by submission.

So once she backed away a bit I took her to the ground and tried my hardest to get her into an arm bar. Sensing her imminent defeat the girl tried to wiggle away from me. But it was to late. I had my arm bar locked in. This girl being the tank that she is didn't tap out, so I had to break her arm. Only then did the reff stop the fight. To make things even better is that I broke her left arm.

As the girl got up she came after me again, good think I was paying attention. She threw a right hand and it hit me in the shoulder. When I realized it, I countered with my deadly right hand to the side of her head and she was out cold. Luke came into the ring and pulled me away from her and pulled me out of the ring. I went over to the dressing room and pulled my gloves off taking a deep breath.

It's going to take me a little bit to come down from this adrenaline high. Luke came in a few minutes later and started to take the wrap off of my hands. Not far behind him came Amanda, John and a very happy Dante.

"You just made me a very rich man, Scar." Dante said and sat down in the chair in front of me.

"Good, my cut?" I asked wanting my money so I can get out of here.

"Right here relax." Dante said and pulled out three bundles of money. He gave me the money and moved to get up from the chair.

Before we could do anything all we heard was gunfire.

Song on the side is going to be Disasterology by PTV.

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