The life of Nicole

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Hey guys um this story is alittle but about my life and fictional as well so I hope you enjoy. And please don't hate I try my best and this is my story no one else's so thanks and stay beautiful, most importantly don't let people get you down stand up and show them who you are dont be afraid.

WARNING language may a fend some readers.


BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!! 'Slap' I hit the snooze button on my alarm. It's the first day of senior year...YA... *note the sarcasm*.

I eventually had to get out of bed, even though I didn't want to. Part of me was happy about getting back to school I missed my friends since I didn't get to see most of this summer. Cause I got to spend my whole fucking summer babysitting. If your wondering, probley not though, but anyway I don't really like kids. It's not like I'm oh eww get away peasant. No it's more like I don't like babies, poop, puke, drool, nope not my thing. But the bright side to my summer was I got offered full time at the barn I ride at. Yes horses I live for them. I've been riding since I was three. I have two of my own a jumper and a barrel/trail horse. The jumper is shaggy, like from scooby-doo I love him with all my heart I board him at the barn I work at. He's an off the track racer I love him with all my heart and trust him with my life. Katie my paint/thoroughbred cross now I tell you about a psycho horse boy I could go on and on about her she has her moments but she's a sweet mare. She does the barrels and trail. Boy she can run, sometimes me and my best friend Isabela or bela which I call her, we have races and stuff. On my farm ya see bela keeps her mare, bliss, at mine and my parents place. We are literally stuck in the middle of no where so when me and Bela get bored we race each other with Bliss and Katie,in the back field. But since the accident I never really took Katie back in the field. Since Katie had thoroughbred in her she gets excited and tends to go a bit over bored while running.

*Flashback two years ago*

"Come on Nicole lets go just a short run please!" Bela begged for the hundredth time today it been raining for a bit but it stopped and looked like it cleared up.

"Fine but a short one not long." I give in knowing bela she already had her boots on putting on our jackets since its a little chilly we headed out. It's a short walk down the path to the barn we walk in and bela gets the horses while I get the tack out.

"I don't know why you where so hesitant about going for a run we haven't done it in a while and be sides the girls look a little down cause we don't take them out as much." We prefer to 'the girls' as Katie and Bliss.

"I was hesitant because Katie has been acting weird lately she won't pick up the right leads or anything." I replied back to bela as she groomed bliss and I groomed Katie. It's true though Katie has not been acting right during barrel practice she shys away from the left barrel and her strongest lead is her left one so I don't know I had the farrier out to try different shoes on I even tried pads for her hooves, I don't know what wrong with her maybe she just havering a Katie moment.

"Hummm that's weird, maybe she feels left out cause you spending more time with shaggy." She said as she gave a little attitude.

"what ever I'm not even spending that much time with him I'm working half the time, I only ride him when I can."

Katie and Bliss were all cleaned and ready to be tacked. Katie knows the difference between the trail bit ad the working bit or the barrel bit. I was standing in the tack room debating on which one to use.

"What wrong Nicole?" Bela asked

"I don't know what bridle I should use on her I'm using my western tack but I don't know."

"Just use the trail bit today she'll be fine." Bela said to me with a small smile.

I grabbed the trail bit and the saddle and tacked up Katie. Bliss and Bela were waiting in the indoor arena for me and Katie. I was have a hard time getting her bridle on and she kept picking up her front left leg and stomping the ground almost getting my foot at one point.

"Really Katie?! Your going to start this!" Yes I talk to my horse and trust me they know what you say.

"What's wrong?" Bela quietly yelled from the arena.

"She keeps throwing her head up and favoring her front left leg and stomping."

Eventually I got the bridle on and got on Katie but just something didn't feel right.

I opened the paddock gate while still on Katie and letting bela and bliss through.

"Ready?" Bela asked we had already warmed up the horses in the arena.

"Yea I guess but I'm taking it easy."

"What ever you say Perkins." Bela said as she took off in a full out gallop, ill admit bliss can pack a good run every once in a while, for a Morgan and lets just say today was one of those days.

Bela and bliss where already half way down the grass path while I stayed and waited for a minute.

Katie's head was up alittle higher then normal and her ears were perked forward watching bliss take off at good speeds.

"Well what do you say Kate. Take it easy today." It's like she read my mind and took off in a nice canter just relaxing and we neared the end of the path bela had a big smile on her face and bliss was breathing quite heavy.

"Well how was she?" Bela asked

"She was good took it slow like I asked." I said as I patted Katie's neck and she lowered her head to its normal spot like a western pleaser horse.

"Well do you think we could..race back." Bela asked kind of hesitating to ask cause of the scean Katie made earlier. With out a second thought I turn Katie around and gave a little kick with both my heels and she gave a little rear and took off.

"HEY COME ON THAT'S NOT FARE!" She yelled as I just laughed and looked behind me to see how far she was.

Everything was going good till bela got within ten feet of us. Then the worse possible happened.

Katie tripped, and sent me flying forward into the ground and her flipping on top if me. It's like everything went in slow motion.

I could hear bela stop bliss, and stared to scream for me.

Katie was still. And I couldn't hear anything and the next thing I know is everything went black.

*end of flash back*

The only thing I remember is waking up in a hospital room with bela her parents and mine, and well a dislocated knee, one broken rib and my wrist broken from the fall. The first thing I remember asking is was Katie okay. Bela had tear stains on her cheeks.

I got out of the shower and looked at the clock 5:00 after I got dressed I grabbed two apples and headed out to the barn to feed the horses and our one goat that bela was determined to get so she did and named him billy, get it like billy goat ha ha, anyway he was cute considering bela got him when he was only a month old.

"Good morning girls and boy." I said as I walked into the barn bliss's stall being the first one she stuck her head out of the head stall and I fed her the apple I brought from the kitchen.

"Katie girl" I called. Katie's stall was the last one but she rarely came to the stall door she just stayed in the back corner of her stall with her head down. I took one bite of the apple and put my hand through the headstall she barley lifted her head and just looked at the apple and looked in my eyes and resumed her previous position. Her once bright and colorful eyes were now dark ad gloomy almost like she been crying a stray wet streak was coming from the corner of her eye. I missed her she was never the same after everything went down.

After I gave them their hay and grain I walked back to the house it was now six o'clock great. Bela will be here soon to pick me up I got my bag and said good bye to the family dog and waited out side for bela to come.

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