Letting Go L.P.

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There is a time and place for everything.

For love.

For forgiveness.

For forgetting.

For letting go.

Everyone gets to the point to when loving someone hurts to much. The things one person can put you through can cause years of damage. It gets to the point to where you build walls so high no one wants to break them. You learn to ball feeling up in cement so they sit behind the walls; a cender bloke garden deep inside your heart.

You never thought falling in love with Liam would break you. To the point of no return. It started our wonderful like all good love stories. Distance didn't matter three hours really isn't that far. Talking everyday about nonsense yet talking about everything at the same time. Opening yourself up for the first time in years.

You feel like you could fly. Nothing is going to stand in the way of meeting a boy who can give you the world and you can give him the same. You are soaring on the wings of eagles as you make your way to your college town to see everyone you left behind at graduation.

Moving to the big city is all it is creaked to be. Fast pace, energy, people everywhere. You thought you would meet someone on the streets fall in love and call it life. You never thought you would fall for the boy back at school or dated your best friends, friend. Never in a million years did you foresee harmless Instagram messaging turning into all day conversations and falling asleep on the phone together.

They say the best relationships come out of know where; with the most unexpected person. That sure was Liam Payne.

After the first weekend together every little thing started going a stare. The distance became real; as did having to say goodbye. You left feeling on top of the world after getting to spend a weekend with him and your friends thinking everything was perfectly alright. Just for everything to come crumbling down around you the very next day.

Two weeks of endless talking now means nothing. Two weeks of getting to know one another wasted. After two years you finally open your heart to someone just for them to rip it away with such ease. Promising to be friends threw a tearful goodbye to something that could have been real if one person wasn't a little scared of actually falling for someone.

Friendship proves to be harder then it looks time and time again. Hoping somewhere inside of Liam he will finally see what is in front of him. The friendship being a little more friendly each time you talk.

Everything feels different and wrong. Not talking day in and day out. Feeling at a lost of what you can and can't tell Liam. Being open with each other officially out of the window. Missing him becomes a part of everyday life.

Your second weekend, a month later, you both act like a couple. Trying to talk things out but this long awaited talking getting out on the back burner, were it will always stay. Liam's sweet side coming out right when you think you will lose all hope in him. When he questions the way you act around each other you shrug it off knowing he isn't willing to give 'us' a try. But you wonder why he is even asking, when he has already made his mind up.
You leave yet again begging him not to shut you completely out again. At first it is fine with I miss yous and sweet moment even three hours apart. Just for to to come crashing down around you again. Having talks about why and what needs to change just seems to be a waste of time. When he never chances. It hurts all over again. But you find yourself holding on to a small sliver of hope that Liam will see what is standing right in front of him.

After two days of no speaking you talk yourself into texting him a simple 'I miss you'. Thinking no harm in showing him that you care. The small hope you still had gets taken when all he replies is 'yeah?'  You are boiling inside wanting nothing more then to rip his hair out giving him the answer of 'nope.. I was just kidding.' He says he is sorry but when you after what for there is bro response like so many times before.

It finally hits the moment of wanting to hold on, but knowing good well that it was time to let go. Through tear eyes you lock your phone rolling over in bed to fall asleep knowing there will be no more Liam Payne in your life. Before finally falling asleep you think that love is about giving chances when there is no more to give. But for once you were finally over giving Liam chances. 

He didn't want to be the good guy. He didn't want to fall in love with you. He didn't want to do long distance. He wanted you at his convene. Which is basically a slap in the face to any body. He wants to sleep with me and act like he cares when he wants it, not when you want  it, nor does he want the responsibility of being in a relationship. He wants his cake and to eat too.

You just aren't that girl. You are someone's first choice. To love and to be loved is all you have ever really wanted. Finally drifting into sleep you build you walls a little bit higher and your cender block garden a little deeper.

A/N: this is my life. Now I am going to go to sleep building my walls higher and my cender block garden deeper.
Don't forget request are open. - Vic xx

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