I think I like parks more now

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Picture because I can, deal with it B)

Louis' POV

Harry and I head out the door and the warm, yet breezy London air hits our faces. I then close the door behind us and we both start walk the park.

We walk in total silence, but it's not awkward, like it just shows our appreciation of each other's presence. I like it. It's calming, plus by bestfriend is here and-

"Louis I asked you a question."

"Oh, sorry. Can you repeat it?" I guess I was way too deep into calmness.

"It's quite beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

I think this is one the main reasons Harry and I click well together, as friends(even though I clearly want more), he understands me. I don't think anyone has ever understood me as much as Harry has and I don't think anyone ever will.

The streets are empty and the barely visible sun is still shining. It adds more to the sooth and calm scenery.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we finally reach the park.

It was an old, but nice park. It had lots of big oak trees everywhere, benches, tables, and a cute little playground, for the "kids." Even though it was meant for little kids, Harry and I always sit on the swing set. Even if it's just to bask in each other's company.

Harry and I go over to sit on the swings. I always sit on the left and he, the right. We preferred I that way.

"So what do you wanna do?" Harry asks, turning in his swing to face me.

"I don't know, I just wanna spend time with you." I say keeping my face and eyes forward. I like Harry a lot, but right now I just want him here with me, but I don't want to look at him. I'm not mad at him or anything, it's just that I just feel like doing that.

"Okay." He says quietly.

I take off my beanie and start to lightly swing I the silence. I do this until my beanie falls off my lap and I bend down to pick it up.

However, I hear a light gasp to my side and I quickly turn my head towards the source in which it came from. Harry look at me with wide eyes, and pink cheeks. He stares at me and clears his throat a little before talking.

"Louis, are you wearing...panties?"

"Uhm...." Fúkety fúck fúck. I knew I shouldn't have worn them, but no, I just wanted to be comfortable and- just fúck.

"Yes?" I say answering Harry's question in a small voice.

"Okay, but why?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"They're comfortable?"

"Um, okay. Louis, if there's something you're not tell-"

"Remember when you said we would always be friend, until the end?" I ask, referring to a promise we made in kindergarten.

"Um, yeah, but right now we are talking about something el-"

"Did you mean it? The promise?" I interrupt again.

"Of course I meant it, but-"

"That means, you'll love and accept me no matter what, right?"

"Yeah, Louis, you are my best friend and-

"Please don't hate me, Harry. But do you know how hard it is pretending to be someone you're not?"

"Louis what are you even talking abou-

"Harry, I'm gay." I say looking at him with fear, waiting for the disgust in his face, but it never comes.

"Um, okay."

"Are you still my friend? Do you hate me?" I say standing up from the swing I was perched on. Tears prickle my eyes, only because I start thinking of the worse case scenarios. Like, what if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Or, what if-

 "Louis! Stop acting like a mad man. "He says gripping my shoulders, making me look directly at him.

"I don't care that you're gay. You are still my Louis, gay or not, you are my best friend that I will always love and support. Hell, I would even care if you were transgender, I would still your friend, and you will still be Louis. You could be a fúcking frog, but I wouldn't matter, because you would still be my bestfriend. So, no I don't hate you, and I am still very much your bestfriend."

I am at the verge of my tears spilling, and this time I don't hold them back. I start sobbing and I pull him in a tight hug. He ten wraps his arms around my waist.

"Shh, it's okay, let it out" he says patting my back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you earlier, I just didn't want to lose you and I didn't know how you would react. I really did not want to lose my best friend." I choke out, getting my tears all over his sweater.

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't, it'll be between you and me, our little secret."

This park really is something.

I think I like parks more now.

AN Yay, Louis came out to Harry. Victory.

But, Oh my gawd. Today is the start of the One Direction Hiatus. Guys, I am like literally crying. It takes my like five-ever to realize things. I am heartbroken, but at least they'll come back. They better. Enjoy this chapter. Well, bye.

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