Planning Out Friendship

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So here is the next chapter :P this one is probably boring but who cares. (Btw it's the next day after the last chapter)

Today was the first official day of classes. I didn't have trouble getting up, but Reiner sure did. He had told me the night before after I got out of the shower to try to get him up. That was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. He complained about not wanting to get up and that's because he didn't go to sleep until early hours.

I finally got him up, and he had a very attractive morning voice, but that was not something that I could be thinking. I'm not technically gay, but I've ever been attracted to girls either. My parents always said that I just hadn't gone through the 'changes' of becoming a man. I honestly don't care what gender the person I wind up is, as long as I love them and they love me.

Now off of the mushy lovey shit. My classes only consisted of two different ones. Those two were dance and classroom. I had already graduated since I didn't want to take regular classes for school and take away from dance. I know I'm only sixteen, but they let me get my G.E.D. or whatever you call it. The only reason I have any classroom classes is because I have to keep my knowledge decent.

Thinking about it now, I didn't even know how old Reiner was, but it wasn't important. He didn't have classes in the morning but he still had to work on his music. Since he wouldn't get up, I literally told him that I didn't care and that he was going to fail his music pals. That got him going.

I had heard that there weren't a lot of people in the dance class seeing as how not many people could dance worth shit. There probably weren't many guys in there either, but that's always been the case. When I walked in however, every girl looked at me like I just got a smudge on there phone. Then some older lady came in. She was short and had strawberry blonde hair. She walked over to me.

"Excuse me young man, are you lost?" She asked me. I was nervous again because of them all looking at me, but I tried to ignore it.

"No, not this time. I'm Bertolt, Bertolt Hoover. I came from Germany and I was told that I would be in the dance class?" I wasn't sure if any of that was what she would need, but she immediately lit up.

"Oh yes! You're the young man that has the most impressive talent. I do hope you would be fine with playing the male role in our recital, seeing as how you are the only male in this class." She said in a sweet voice, looking up at me from her short body. I simply nodded at her and she smiled sweetly. She clapped her hands. "Let's begin!"

We didn't start dancing but she did tell us the theme. It was supposed to be about a tragic love that could never be allowed. She explained that one of the music students would be writing the music, but I already knew that.

She told us that it would require a lot of practice, and I was okay with that. Then she told me that the person writing the music would be present during most of the practicing. I would not be okay with that one. When we were finally done, class still had a little bit left, so I decided to talk to the teacher. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She smiled kindly.

"So about the guy that's arranging the music," I began and she nodded at me. "Well you see, he's my roommate and none of my acquaintances with the exception of one know why I'm here. I'm afraid that if they find out, and with me being a male and all, they will make fun of me. Especially Reiner since he seems like a very manly man." I was speaking quietly so as the others didn't hear me. Ms. Petra never stopped smiling.

"Well, I would most certainly hope that nothing like that would happen anyhow but if you really feel that way I could let you practice when he's not here. I don't have any other classes so you're welcome to come after your other classes, though it may be late until you get to your room." She explained to me. That sounded a lot better to me.

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