Late Night Laughs

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I've never been one to complain about working hard to get better at something. But it appears I am now. We practice every day for at least four hours. I've also been having to come at separate times after class because of Reiner. The only real issue is; he's going to be there during the actual recital.

I thought that I was going to be able to get away from this, but I guess not. Ms. Petra had told me many times that I was an amazing dancer and that she never would have guessed that someone as tall as I could dance so flawlessly. I had been listening to the arrangement of music that Reiner has made.

It was just as flawless as everyone says my dancing is. I had to make myself only sit there as he played the songs for the other girls to dance to. I wanted to get up there and dance my heart out with my own moves without anyone telling me what to do.

Reiner had been putting himself down a lot lately because he thought his music wasn't good enough, and I couldn't tell him that it was perfect because he didn't know that I had heard it. I resorted to telling him that it didn't matter about what he thought because he's not the one that's going to be watching the dance. He has to make it good for the other people in the crowd. Told him that it sounds better when someone else heard it.

Aside from that, it was Friday. We had been talking about movie night a little bit, mostly deciding whether or not to get take out. The only problem now is the fact that we won't be having movie night. He said that the music department teacher needed to talk to him and that he would most likely have to redo the music. All of it. He said he felt really bad, but I waved it off and told him that I had some studying to do anyways.

It wasn't a lie, if you consider practicing for the recital as studying. Ms. Petra wasn't there but she had told me that I could come in whenever I wanted since she trusted me. She even told me where the spare key was. I changed into my black dancing outfit and shoes. It was technically a male ballerina suit thing, but I felt better calling it something a little more manly.

I played some the track that had Reiner's music on it. He had recorded a demo track for us to just have. It was really good even though he said it was nowhere near his best.

I started moving about the large stage slowly in the dim spotlight they always seemed to keep on. I started out with a criosé, a position in which the legs are crossed towards the audience. Then I did a plié, where I bent my knees a little, all done by instinct. I did a pirouette and then I was dancing full swing, spinning in the air and gliding on the stage along to the climaxes of the song. At one part of the song where it was going fast, almost like in a comedy where someone is getting chased, I started doing a spin on my tip toes that lasted a very long time.

I was planning to make it a grand finale, until I caught a glimpse of someone sitting in the seats. I tried to stop as quickly as possible. That led me to nearly falling over.

I squinted at the person that was sitting in the middle seat a couple rows back from the front. I seen dark brown hair and bright green eyes and knew instantly who it was. He got up and walked slowly towards me where I was trying to take my dancing shoes off. He stopped just short of me and leaned on a chair, smirking.

"Dancing, huh?" He said as if he just found out something big that had been hidden from him. Most of that was true, except it wasn't anything big.

"I was just-just fooling around in here. I-I wasn't-" he cut me off.

"Dude chill. And if you were just fooling around, why do you have a unitard that is custom made for you along with custom dancing shoes?" He queried. I tried to make up an excuse about me playing with the costumes, but both him and I knew very well that they don't have costumes for people as tall as me hanging in a closet.

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