just a tool in my arsenal

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author's note : this is my first story and I want to know if I am good or not so speakyour mind

chapter 1

dick's pov

I am waiting for the principle to end his conversation with a kid who I think is a senior he stuffed some freshman in a locker and left him there. wgen he is finally done I walk in and introduce myself "hi I am..." I get cut off with the principal say I know who you are dick he turns his chair around and he hands me a folder " here is your schedule and there is a map just in case you get lost. "thank you " i say and leave the room

roy's pov

that dumb old man he knows nothing about me I am thinking as he is lecturing me about the incedent I nod as he is asking me random questions " roy , you could of hurt him and be arrested for assault you are 18 so you can go to prison." , "I understand principle haley it won't happenagain as walk out of his office.

jay's pov

my back still hurts from being stuffed into that locker and being left there. thank god the janitor forgot his ipod or I would probably have never been found and thanks to roy harper I am know afraid of tight spaces. the bus stops and I look out the window and see we stopped outside a house and I see a girl run up to the bus and give mr . joe a slip and she made her way to the back and sit in the seat across from me she sits with her legs bent and on the seat and puts on her music and then she noites me staring oh shoot .... look away act cool I tell myself

athours note : sorry so short guys just getting started but keep reading thanks ..... bye

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